
Yellow Lab Cichlid

Yellow Lab Cichlid (Labidochromis Caeruleus): Care Guide

The Yellow Lab Cichlid, or in scientific terms the Labidochromis Caeruleus, is a freshwater fish that has the uniqueness to rival any fish in the saltwater world. With its primary colour being bright yellow, blue, or albino yellow.

The Yellow Lab Cichlid is not only an eye-catcher but also the perfect fish for a beginner. They are semi-aggressive, and unlike community-type fishes, they are not territorial.

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Keyhole Cichlid

Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii): Care Guide

The Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) gets its name from its most distinguishing feature, a black spot located on the back of its body. When the Keyhole Cichlid matures, the black spot sometimes extends downwards, which creates a keyhole shape. The Keyhole Cichlid tends to be a very timid fish. In fact, they don’t even bother plants and other tank decorations. Their shy nature makes them a great fish to have in a community of non-aggressive species.

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Venustus Cichlid

Venustus Cichlid Care Guide (Nimbochromis venustus)

Venustus Cichlids (Nimbochromis venustus) are good for intermediate-level fish keepers, because despite their simple care needs, they are only semi-hardy. This moderately-aggressive species must have a tank suitable enough for them to swim around in, as they are very active fish. Their dietary needs are easily met, but they can easily become ill if their water conditions are anything but superb. Depending on the bioload, aquarists will need to change their water weekly (minimum 10% to 20%).

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Dovii Cichlid

Dovii Cichlid: Care, Size, Tank Mates, Aggression & More

Dovii Cichlid (Parachromis dovii), also known as the Wolf Cichlid, is a species of cichlid that can be found in various lakes and rivers throughout Central America, primarily in lake Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras. Due to its unique colorful appearance, it is one of the most popular fish kept by a good number of people. They are true predators and are a fascinating species of cichlid.

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Rusty Cichlid

Rusty Cichlid (Iodotropheus sprengerae): Ultimate Care Guide

The Iodotropheus Sprengerae or more commonly known as the Rusty Cichlid, is a species of fish native to the Chinyamwezi regions of Lake Malawi in East Africa. With its beautiful rusty coat (for females) and lavender purple hue (for males) these species of cichlid make for a great addition to your tank. Being a Mbuna we assume naturally that the Rusty Cichlid is by nature aggressive but that is not that case in most circumstances. These fish can grow up to 4.3 inches and are mouthbrooders. They are named after Kappy Sprenger who was an aquarist from California.

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Frontosa Cichlid

Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia Frontosa): Care Guide

Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia Frontosa) is one of the most well-known species of cichlid. They originate from Lake Tanganyika. Like many other cichlid species, they do show signs of aggression. However, Frontosa Cichlid is considered relatively peaceful in comparison to many other cichlid species. The scientific name for the Frontosa Cichlid is Cyphotilapia Frontosa. However, it is also known as Frontosa Burundi.

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Red Texas Cichlid

Red Texas Cichlid: Care, Size, Tank Mates & Tank Size

The Red Texas Cichlid is a freshwater fish developed by a cross between a male Texas cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) and, most commonly, a female Red Parrot cichlid (Paraneetroplus synspilus x Amphilophus citrinellus). As a hybrid, the Red Texas Cichlid does not have a scientific name like their purebred counterparts; however, many of their care needs and behaviour mimic those of the standard Texas cichlid.

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red zebra cichlid

Red Zebra Cichlid: Care, Size, Tank Mates & Breeding

Red Zebra Cichlids (Maylandia Estherae) are beautiful rock dwelling fish from Lake Malawi of Africa. They are endemic to Lake Malawi, and they can be found along the eastern coast of the lake.

Despite their name, Red Zebra Cichlid they aren’t always red. They don’t always display the stripes either. As a polymorphic species, they display a range of different colors. These colors can include beige, brown, blue, orange, yellow, and pink.

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