Anubias Plant: Care Guide & Types

Anubias Plant
Anubias Plant

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Anubias Plant Facts

Anubias Plants are identified by their beautiful broad leaves, and rich, dark green coloration. Anubias Plants have many variations, and depending on the variation you have, there will be a slightly different look to the leaves of the plant or the way it grows and propagates. Anubias Plants have leaves that can be as small as half an inch in diameter all the way up to 5 inches in diameter.

Anubias Plants are named after the Egyptian God of death, Anubis. They were named after the god of death due to the shaded and dark locations that they are typically found. Native to African rivers and streams, you can find Anubian Plants in the more shaded and dark areas where nothing else thrives.

Anubias Plants are considered a hardy plant, and they are a widely popular choice for this reason. They can tolerate low levels of light, and a wide range of water parameters. They can grow completely submerged, or partially submerged in your aquarium. The only important thing to keep in mind for their care is to make sure that the roots do not dry out. Anubias Plants are highly recommended for beginners as they do not require any special care and can thrive in most aquarium setups. 

Are Anubias Plants Good for Aquariums?

Anubias Plants are great for aquariums due to their hardy nature, and ability to tolerate a wide variety of water parameters. They do not require much lighting to grow beautiful. In fact, too much lighting can make them grow algae. Having aquarium plants is a must for housing certain species of fish for their comfort and security, and Anubias Plants are a great choice for the home aquarium for even the pickiest fish.

How to Plant and Care for Anubias Plants

Anubias plants can be planted in aquarium substrate soil, or attached to driftwood, rocks, or other decor. You can arrange the newly planted Anubias Plants completely submerged in the water, or you can have them sticking out above the water line. Either way you choose to plant them is fine and will not harm the Anubias Plant. However, It is important for Anubias Plants that their roots remain in the water. If the roots dry out the plant will die. When planting Anubias Plants into the substrate it is important to not cover their rhizome as it is vital that it not be under the substrate. If the rhizome is covered, the plant will suffer and die.

Do Anubias Plants Need to be Fully Submerged?

Anubias Plants do not need to be completely submerged to grow and thrive. In their native environment, Anubias Plants can be found attached to sunken logs, large tree roots, or even rocks along the bank of the river. The leaves can either be completely submerged underwater, or partially sticking out above the water line. Their roots are the part of the plant that requires complete submersion in water. They have to remain wet, and will die if they dry out.

Can Anubias Plants Grow Floating?

Even though Anubias Plants typically attach themselves to something, it is possible for them to grow floating in your aquarium. The important thing to keep in mind for Anubias Plants is that their roots need to be wet. If the roots are not fully submerged they will dry out and the plant will die.

What is the Best Anubias Plant for Beginners?

There are many types of Anubias Plants, but it is suggested that the best Anubias Plant for beginners is the Anubias Nana. The Anubias Nana Plant is a smaller variation of the Anubias Plant that grows slow enough to keep up with its maintenance as well as maintaining the hardiness that the plant is well known for. The only thing you need to worry about with this plant is where you place it in your aquarium. Since this plant is smaller and slower growing it can easily be overtaken by other plants.

What is the Biggest Anubias Type?

Anubias Gigantea is the largest variety of Anubias Plant, but it does not reach a large size quickly.

Anubias Types

There are many different types of Anubias. Here’s a list of some known types and variants of Anubias. Some are more common than others.

Anubias Afzelli

This Anubias version, Anubias Afzelli, is easy to grow and propagate in the home aquarium. This plant is sometimes called Anubias Congensis, although that is an incorrect name for it.

The leaves of the Anubias Afzelli grow long and upright. If you are planning on planting this variety of Anubias Plant in your aquarium, you should take care to only plant the white roots into the substrate. If you plant the rhizome under the substrate it will rot and the plant will die. Anubias Afzelli Plants are a great addition to Cichlid tanks due to their hardy nature.

Anubias Barteri

Anubias Barteri Plants have much more rounded and thick leaves as well as a well formed rhizome. These plants are often sold in pet stores and online for home aquariums attached to things like driftwood or rocks. They can also be sold as just the plant with bare roots. Like other types of Anubias Plants, this version is very hardy and beautiful.

This plant is used often in aquascaping as it looks good anywhere you place it in your aquarium without overpowering your other aquatic plants. The leaves on this variation of Anubias Plant can grow up to 3 inches long.

Anubias Angustifolia (Anubias Barteri Var. Barteri)

The leaves of the Anubias Angustifolia are much longer in shape and much less rounded than other variations of Anubias Plant. They are also much less wide. Even though the leaves are different, that does not take anything away from the hardy nature of this plant, and it is still a popular choice for aquascaping in home aquariums.

Anubias Angustifolia are sometimes mistaken as Anubias Afzelli, but this variation is much larger. Like other variations of Anubias Plant, you should avoid intense lighting with this species as it is detrimental to the growth of the plant, and can even promote algae growth.

Anubias Bonsai (Anubias Barteri var. Bonsai)

This version of the Anubias Plant is very small. The leaves of this plant do not reach more than 1cm in diameter when fully grown. Even though it is a small version of the Anubias Plant, it does not take away from the hardiness.

Due to its small size, Anubias Bonsai can be overtaken quite easily by other plants in your aquarium. Make sure that you place it with other plants that won’t over power it.

Anubias Bonsai Wavy (Anubias Barteri var. Bonsai Wavy)

Anubias Bonsai Wavy is very similar to the regular Anubias Bonsai. The only difference is the shape of the leaves. In this wavy variation, the leaves have a ruffled appearance to their edges. Also like the regular version, this plant is smaller than other Anubias Plants, and you should take care when placing it in your aquarium so that other plants growing do not choke it out.

Anubias Butterfly (Anubias Barteri Nana Var. Butterfly)

This Anubias Plant can reach a maximum height of up to 16 inches, and is a much larger variety of the Anubias Plant. The large, dark green leaves can grow both in and out of the water. Like other variations of the Anubias Plant, Anubias Butterfly Plants have to have their roots completely submerged or the plant will dry out and die.

These larger leaves provide a great place for bettas to rest, or as a place to hide and destress.

Anubias Coffeefolia (Anubias Barteri var. ‘Coffeefolia’)

The Anubias Coffeefolia is a larger variety of Anubias Plant as it can grow up to 12 inches in height. The thick, dark green leaves of this version have some texture to their appearance, and an almost wavy look to their leaf edges. The leaves on the Anubias Coffeefolia can grow up to 3 inches long.

Anubias Caladiifolia (Anubias Barteri var. Caladiifolia)

This variation of the Anubias Plant actually originates from a tissue propagation laboratory in Australia. It has a distinctive heart shape to its leaves. Like other variations of Anubias Plant, it is still hardy and can tolerate a wide variety of water parameters. This variation of Anubias Plant is slow growing, but it is not uncommon to see it grow by up to 50cm in one year.

Anubias Dark Angel (Anubias Barteri var. Dark Angel)

Anubias Dark Angel is a smaller variety of Anubias Plant, but it makes up for it with its stunning look. The small leaves range in color from a rich green to a stunning dark green. These darker leaves also have a wavy look to their edges similar to that of the wavy Anubias Bonsai.

Anubias Dark Angels are a popular choice for home aquariums for their beautiful coloration, and their compact look. Since they are smaller than many other aquarium plants it is important to make sure that it has enough room to grow and not get choked out by other aquarium plants.

Anubias Golden Nana (Anubias Barteri var. Golden Nana)

Anubias Golden Nana have a much lighter green coloration to their leaves. There is still a slight color variation between leaves but it is much less drastic as the Anubias Dark Angel variety. The leaves on the Anubias Golden Nana are more oblong and tall opposed to rounded looking, and they grow together in a small cluster.

Anubias Jalapeno (Anubias Barteri var. Jalapeno)

The Anubias Jalapeno is actually a hybrid plant. It is a cross between Anubias Chili, and Anubias Minima Variegated. These two plants were crossed with one another for their hardy nature and beautiful look. This plant is also sometimes referred to as Anubias Chili Jalapeno.

Even though this plant is a hybrid, it is still hardy enough to tolerate a wide range of water parameters, and will grow in minimal lighting. 

Anubias Japan (Anubias Barteri var. Nana Japan)

Anubias Japan is also sometimes called Anubias Petite. This variation was created in Japan for its tiny look. Anubias Japan is sometimes mistaken for other variations of the Anubias Plant, but the leaves on this plant are much more rounded and grow more compact. This smaller version is in much more danger of being choked out by more aggressively growing types of plants, so take care when choosing a spot in your aquarium for this little gem.

Anubias Minima (Anubias Barteri var. Galabra)

Anubias Minima has longer, more oblong shaped leaves that have a more stringy and wavy appearance to their leaves. The leaves on this plant have a lot more character as they grow and almost curl up at the ends. With different varying shades of green throughout the plant, Anubias Minima is a great addition to the home aquarium as it provides a pop of color, and a safe place for your fish to explore and hide.

Anubias Minima Dragon Claw (Anubias Barteri var. Galabra ‘Minima Dragon Claw’)

This variation of the Anubias Plant is a hybrid of Anubias Barteri Glabra. It is very small and compact. The tiny leaves are oblong in shape and have a wavy look to them. They grow in a tiny cluster together. Even though this variation is among the smallest, that does not take away from the hardy nature of this plant that makes it a popular choice for the home aquarium.

As will all smaller varieties of Anubias Plant, you will want to take care where you choose to place it in the home aquarium so that it does not get choked out by other plants that may grow at a much faster rate, or grow larger and block light from getting to your plant.

Anubias Nana (Anubias Barteri var. Nana)

Anubias Nana is another great variation of Anubias Plant for its stunning leaves. The color on the leaves of this Anubias Plant can range from yellow to a rich green. The leaves are a more oblong shape, and grow together in a tight cluster. Like other variations of the Anubias Plant, you can expect this one to have similar water parameters and care requirements.

Anubias Petite Coin (Anubias Barteri var. Petite Coin)

This variation of the Anubias Plant is actually a hybrid cross between Anubias Barteri Round, and Anubias Nana Petite. These plants were crossed to give the Anubias Petite Coin a small, rounded leaf that has been compared to a small coin in shape. The leaves on this plant do not get more than a few centimeters wide, and are the perfect addition to any aquarium with tiny inhabitants. Take care when planting this one as it can easily become overtaken by other plants in the aquarium.

Anubias Pinto (Anubias Barteri var. Nana ‘Pinto’)

Anubias Pinto is an artificially selected variation of the Anubias Plant. Chosen for its looks, the leaves of the Anubias Pinto have green and whitish colorations to them in a varied pattern. The stunning contrast between the rich green and bright white of the leaves make for a beautiful pop of color to the home aquarium. The white parts of the leaves are caused by lack of chlorophyll, and these spots serve to create some interesting looks to the leaves of the plant as it grows and matures. Even though this plant is artificially selected, it did not take away from the hardiness of the plant, and it is still able to tolerate a wide range of water parameters without difficulty.

Anubias Paxing (Anubias Barteri var. Nana ‘Paxing’)

This variation of the Anubias Plant has small and narrow leaves that grow in a more oblong shape than other variations of the plant. Unlike other variations, the leaves on the Anubias Paxing plant are slightly more concave than others. The leaves have a waxy appearance, and they grow in a much lighter green as well.

Anubias Pangolino (Anubias Barteri Var. Nana Pangolino)

Anubias Pangolino is a highly sought after and rare variation of Anubias Plant. It was given this name after the scales of the pangolin which is said to look like the leaves of this plant. Other than the look of the leaves, the growth and care of this plant is the same and if you find yourself lucky enough to own one of these beautiful variations of Anubias Plant, you can expect that it will be just as hardy.

Anubias Round Leaf (Anubias Barteri var. Round Leaf)

Anubias Round Leaf is a version of the Anubias Plant that has larger, more rounded and heart shaped leaves than other variations. It is similar in appearance to the Anubias Petite Coin enough that it is often mistaken for it. The only difference being that the leaves on this variation grow to be slightly larger.

Anubias Snow White (Anubias Barteri var. Nana Snow White)

Anubias Snow White is a rare variation of Anubias Plant. It is not easily found for sale online or it is mostly likely sold out. This plant is different from the other variations because of the color of the leaves. The leaves on the Anubias Snow White come in at an almost neon yellow coloration. They are very pale looking in comparison to the leaf colors of other Anubias Plants. If you do manage to find one of these for sale, you can expect the care of this plant to be the same as other variations of Anubias Plant.

Anubias Super Petite (Anubias Barteri var. Nana Super Petite)

Anubias Super Petite is also known as True Anubias Petite Nano. This variation of Anubias Plant is very small. It is one of the smallest variations but it is no less stunning than the larger varieties. These plants are often chosen for the home aquarium that houses smaller fish to provide that pop of color without overshadowing the other inhabitants of the tank. Even though this plant is small, it is still hardy and can tolerate the same wide range of water parameters as much larger variations.

Anubias Striped (Anubias Barteri var. Striped)

This variant of the Anubias Plant has leaves that are more wavy looking in comparison to other variations. The leaves on Anubias Striped are more oblong too. Due to its larger size, and larger leaves that measure out at around 3 inches, this plant is most often used as a midground plant in aquascaping. Like other variations of Anubias Plant, you can expect this one to do well in the home aquarium and tolerate a wide variety of water parameters.

Anubias White Rose (Anubias Barteri var. White Rose)

Anubias White Rose is a very rare variation of the Anubias Plant. There is not a lot of information known about this variation due to its rarity, but you can tell this plant apart from the other variations by  just looking at the foliage. The leaves on the Anubias White Rose are strikingly white, and have an almost pearlescent look. It is a smaller variation than others, but it is not the smallest Anubias Plant out there.

Anubias Congensis (Anubias Heterophylla)

Anubias Congensis is a variation of Anubias Plant that has much larger, more pointed green leaves. This version is often referred to as Anubias Afzelli due to how similar in appearance they are to one another.

Anubias Congensis Mini (Anubias Heterophylla var. Mini)

This variation is very similar in appearance and care to the regular sized Anubias Congensis with the only difference being the size of the leaves.

Anubias Frazeri

Anubias Frazeri is a hybrid plant that was created by crossing Anubias Barteri and Anubias Congensis. This Anubias Plant has a look that is a little more stringy when compared to the others. It has long, skinny leaves and grows in a sparse little cluster.

Anubias Gigantea

This is the biggest variation of Anubias Plant. Often chosen for its hardiness and the amount of coverage you get for your aquarium due to the leaves being larger.

Anubias Gilletii

The leaves on this variation of Anubias Plant are much longer than the leaves of other variations. Anubias Gilletii has long, skinny, dark green leaves. It grows together in a cluster.

Anubias Gracilis

This variation of Anubias Plant has much longer stems with larger leaves that are anywhere from 5 to 10 centimeters in length. The leaves are somewhat triangle shaped, and grow together in a small cluster. This plant is much more dramatic looking than other variations, and it is a popular choice for home aquariums due to its hardy nature.

Anubias Hastifolia

Anubias Hastifollia is easily identified by its arrowhead shaped leaves. The leaves grow together in a small cluster.

Anubias Kirin (Anubias Barteri var. Nana Kirin)

Anubias Kirin is an extremely uncommon species of Anubias Plant. It has smaller leaves that have a wavy texture to them. They also curl slightly. These leaves grow together in a tight cluster of leaves and the leaves can vary in color. This particular variation has a more wild, unkempt look to it.

Anubias Pynaertii

Anubias Pynaertii has very dark green leaves that grow together in a cluster. It is similar to other variations of Anubias Plant, but the leaves grow together more sparsely.

Anubias Nangi (Hybrid of Anubias Barteri var. Nana and Anubias Gilletii)

This variation of Anubias Plant is a hybrid between Anubias Nana, and Anubias Gilletii. It has oblong leaves that have a wavy look to their edges, and can range in colors from light green to dark green. Even though this plant is a hybrid, it is still hardy and can tolerate the same wide range of water parameters as other variations of Anubias Plants.

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