Blueface Angelfish

Scientific NameEuxiphipops xanthometopon
Common Name(s)Blueface Angelfish, Yellowface Angelfish
OriginCoral Sea, Indonesia, Sri Lanka
Temperature Range72-78°F
Water ParametersdKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Adult Size1ft 3in

Bluefish Angelfish Facts:

1. The Blueface Angelfish gradually changes color as it grows older, swapping its blue, black, and white stripes for its distinctive checked pattern and distinctive blue and yellow face.

2. Though it’s native to Indonesia, it’s been spotted as far as the coasts of Florida.

3. In the wild, the adolescents prefer to live in deep caves.

Blueface Angelfish

Species Overview:

The Blueface Angelfish is an interesting species to raise, as they change so much throughout their lifetimes. Typically, the young on offer are about one inch long, but can grow to be over one foot as adults.

When considering raising this fish, keep in mind that because of their size, they require a tank of at least 220 gallons to be comfortable. They can also be quite aggressive and territorial. In the wild, often they’re found alone or in pairs, but in captivity, it’s strongly recommended that they be the sole angelfish in the aquarium. They can be kept with other species of fish, but they should never be the largest in the tank. They can become territorial and aggressive without larger species to keep them docile. Moreover, they aren’t compatible with fragile reef systems and will tend to try to eat them.

Feeding them is a fairly interactive activity. They are omnivorous and will eat meatier frozen food, such as shrimp, but should be given angelfish feed and spirulina as well. It’s important to encourage moderate algae growth in your tank to supplement their diet. You can purchase algae tablets or wafers for them, but they will eat whatever grows naturally in the tank as well. They do need to be fed quite often – as much as three times a day – in order to stay healthy, but that just provides more opportunity for interaction since they do hide.

These fish prefer greater depth than some others and do like to find hiding spots. The younger ones especially tend to prefer the dark, and so don’t expect to see them too frequently outside of feeding until they’re comfortable. When setting up their habitat, it’s best to avoid live plants and reef, and instead opt for rocks, driftwood, and high quality fake plants that they can’t destroy. The juveniles tend to do better, but be cautious. As they get older, they do tend to eat more, and can be very destructive even if they seemed compatible at first. They will nip at their surroundings if they think they’re edible – which is good if you’re tank is prone to algae growth. More hiding places can also help keep them happier in communal environments. They are territorial, so giving them enough room to claim a hiding spot can help keep them happy. 

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