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Common Name(s) | Bolivian Ram, Bolivian Ram Cichlid |
Scientific Name | Mikrogeophagus altispinosa |
Origin | Brazil and Bolivia |
Temperature | 73.4-78°F (23-26°C) |
Size | Males grow to approximately 6 cm (2.4 inches). Females grow to approximately 5-5.5 cm (2 inches). |
Minimum Tank Size | 30 gallons |
Food & Diet | Omnivorous |
Lifespan | 6 years |
Water pH | 6.0-7.5 |
Tank Mates | Compatible with schools of small-sized Characidae species. |
Breeding | Naturally formed pairs will spawn eggs. |
Disease | It may be susceptible to Ich. |

The Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus Altispinosa) is a small cichlid that is native to the freshwater systems of Brazil and Bolivia. They have beautiful colors on their body and fins, which makes them very eye-catching in an aquarium. They are peaceful fish that are compatible with many different types of fish. This makes them suitable for community tank setups.
Table of Contents
Bolivian Ram Care
Bolivian Rams are hardy fish and relatively easy to take care of. This makes it possible for beginner fishkeepers to care for them as well. They would be great as centerpiece fish for a small community tank.
In order to maintain a suitable habitat for your fish, here are some equipment that you would need:
- Aquarium Tank (30 gallons or larger)
- Aquarium Filter
- Aquarium Heater
- Aquarium Lights
Filtration is required for most tank setups because Bolivian Rams need clean, well-oxygenated water. However, they do not like strong currents. In their native habitat, they are often found in calm waters. An aquarium filter with adequate capacity is necessary, but the outflow of the filter can be dampened with a baffle. Many aquarium canister filters have outflows that are adjustable.
By adjusting the angle of the outflow so that it faces toward the surface of the water, the flow’s strength can also be slightly dampened. In addition to setting up the tank with a proper filtration system, regular water changes are also important. Weekly water changes of 20-25% should keep the nitrite and nitrate levels in the aquarium low.
Regarding the lighting in the tank, these fish do not require a high-capacity light. In fact, in their native habitat, they spend most of their time in shaded areas. If the light settings are adjustable, consider dimming the light as necessary. If you have a planted tank that requires strong lighting, be sure to provide shaded areas within the tank as well.
Bolivian Rams aren’t particularly disease-prone. As long as the tank is well-maintained, there should be very few health issues. Of course, they aren’t immune to all diseases and can develop parasitic, bacterial, or fungal infections. As with many other freshwater fish, Ich can become an issue. Early detection of the disease and proper treatment is vital for their recovery. In addition, as with all diseases, prevention is very important as well.
A proper tank setup and regular maintenance are key to caring for these fish.
Bolivian Ram Water Parameters
Bolivian Rams do not need a huge tank, so as a minimum, it is suggested to allow a 30-gallon tank for a single fish, with an extra 5-10 gallons per additional Ram. As well as keeping water clean and well-oxygenated, it is important to monitor nitrate levels and ensure they do not reach a toxic level for the fish.
Although generally very tolerant, their ideal water conditions mimic their natural environments, such as streams, backwaters, and lakes, meaning shallow and slow waters are preferable. Furthermore, recommended water hardness for these fish is between 6-14 dGH, with 10 dGH being most comfortable for them.
Bolivian Ram Water pH
As Bolivian Ram like waters are similar to their natural habitat, it is best to keep the water slightly acidic, with a pH between 6.0-7.5 being favorable.
Bolivian Ram Temperature
In general, for Bolivian Ram, you should have the water at a temperature of 73.4- 78°F. If the aim is to stimulate spawning, you will want to raise this to 80.6 and 82.4°F. They are hardy fish, though, and can cope with temperature shifts as high as 86°F, which may actually be appropriate in some cases when trying to get rid of infections and parasites.
Bolivian Ram Food & Diet
In keeping with the fact that they are easy to take care of, Bolivian Ram is omnivorous and, moreover, undemanding. With a good appetite, these fish really will eat anything from frozen to live food. This means their diet can include all the likes of blood or white worm, brine shrimps, daphnia, tubifex, and artificial foods.
Typically, owing to their wild living conditions, river detritus (plants and various seeds) will also feature in their diets. Overall, therefore, a mixed and varied diet with pellets* or flakes combined with meaty foods helps them keep a balanced diet and maintains the health of their brightly colored appearance.
*Pellets should be considered over flakes as Bolivian Rams are naturally bottom-feeding fish, and pellets sink more easily into the floor than flakes.
Bolivian Ram Tank Setup
To keep your Bolivian Rams as happy as possible, their tank should have plenty of organic matter and food to feed on at the bottom and a sandy, muddy base similar to how they would live in the wild. A fine sand substrate and pebbles can be used at the bottom of your tank but should not be too heavy a focus in your setup.
It is best to have a well-planted tank yet with plenty of open space for swimming, as well as a few empty hiding places in, for example, rock and driftwood. Fundamentally though, Bolivian Rams require a lot of shelters.
Bolivian Ram Size
At a maximum, Bolivian Rams can reach up to 8cm (3.1 inches), but usually, males are more like 6cm (2.4 inches) long, and females are a bit smaller at roughly 5-5.5cm (2 inches).
Bolivian Ram Lifespan
A Bolivian Ram’s lifespan is approximately 6 years.
Bolivian Ram Tank Mates
Being a community-friendly fish, the Bolivian Ram enjoys being in a group of 6-8 of its own kind and is otherwise most compatible with schools of small-sized Characidae species. These species are natural companions for Bolivian Rams in the wild and thus add a sense of security for them.
The main thing to look out for is size, as smaller fish can be viewed as prey and may end up being eaten by Bolivian Rams (small shrimp, too, may be seen as food rather than company). Similarly, you don’t want larger-sized tank mates which pose a threat to them, such as competing for shelter/ floor space, as Bolivian Rams will struggle with aggressive tank mates.
In general, though, they are calm and peaceful fish and have little interest in their other tank dwellers, meaning they can be put with other fish from pretty much any biotope and are very suitable for community aquariums.
Are Bolivian Rams Aggressive?
The Bolivian Ram is a peaceful, well-tempered fish, especially in comparison to other members of the cichlid species. They are not aggressive and are compatible with many other types of fish. They are calm, like to be in a group of their own species, and otherwise are shy towards and hardly interact with other fish.
Can I Keep 2 Male Bolivian Rams?
In theory, you can keep two male Bolivian Rams together, as without any females around, there is nothing for them to fight over. They are, however, slightly more aggressive than their female counterparts, and so this should be kept in mind, although at the same time, they indeed are a peaceful species.
Therefore yes, you can, especially as they are less aggressive when not breeding, but there is definitely still a chance that they get territorial with each other, and this male desire to stake out their territory means that if you do opt for two males, you should certainly get them at the same time.
Bolivian Ram with Angelfish
Bolivian Rams can live with Angelfish. Both fish favor softer, slightly acidic water, so tank conditions align nicely. They’re both cichlids and would be found in similar water parameters in nature as well. The important thing to ensure that Bolivian Rams and Angelfish will cohabit amicably is that you get them all together.
Adding either one to the tank later than the other can result in the death of the newer one, simply due to the fish being territorial over the tank. Once these fish are acquired together and can establish personal territory at the start, sex also should not matter.
Are Bolivian Rams schooling fish?
Bolivian Rams are not schooling fish, but they prefer to be in a group with other Bolivian Rams in an aquarium. When in a group, ensure the tank is large enough (55+ gallons). Small disagreements can occur between a group but are common and nothing to worry about.
Bolivian Ram Breeding
The biggest difficulty with Bolivian Ram is that when chosen at random, they tend not to breed and rather will only do so in specific, true pairings. Therefore, if the aim is breeding, it is best to let the fish choose each other. This is done by allowing a group of 6-8 young Bolivian Rams (in a large enough tank – 55+ gallons) to grow into adults and then choose their own partners.
Another added benefit of doing this is that by naturally forming couples, these pairings are stable and will last, even being transferred away from the rest of the group. However, once the tank is not too crowded, and there are enough space and sheltered areas for eggs to be laid, there is no need to transfer the couple to a separate spawning tank unless you are specifically trying to breed for scale.
Otherwise, breeding is fairly straightforward once a mated pair is formed once other tank mates don’t eat the eggs. At this point, the water temperature should also be quite warm, at around 77-82°F, with low light. Eggs will hatch after about 60 hours, and it is normal for the couple to move around the tank after this point.