Common Name(s) | Polka-dot Loach, Burmese Border Loach, Marble Loach, Cloud Botia |
Scientific Name | Botia Kubotai |
Origin | Salween River Basin (Along the Thailand-Myanmar Border) |
Temperature | 75-82°F (24-28°C) |
Minimum Tank Size | 30 Gal (114 L) |
Diet | Flakes and pellets, frozen or live invertebrates (blackworms and brine shrimp), blanched vegetables, and small snails (should be consumed as supplementary) |
Lifespan | 8-12 Years |
pH | 6.0-7.5 |
Tank Mates | Best kept in communities of strong, fast-swimming, small/medium-sized fish |
Breeding | Not known to breed in the aquarium |
Common Diseases | “Skinny Disease” |

Table of Contents
Botia Kubotai Care
Botia kubotai, also known as the Polka Dot Loach or Burmese Border Loach, is a scaleless freshwater fish endemic to the headwaters between Myanmar and Thailand.
The kubotai is best recognized by its yellow-spotted horizontal black stripes and yellow-spotted vertical bars, which make the fish appear as though it has a polka dot pattern.
These fish are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to any multi-species aquarium due to their peaceful and communal nature.
The ideal temperature for Botia kubotai is between 75-86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Be careful not to let temperatures reach levels outside of your Botia’s preferred range, as these fish are not very hardy.
Water pH
Botia kubotai prefers water that is slightly acidic, with a pH level between 6.5-7.5.
However, they can tolerate a wide range of pH levels, from 6.0 to 8.0.
If the pH of their water starts to dip too low, they may become stressed and more susceptible to disease.
By maintaining a stable pH, you can help ensure that your Botia kubotai stays healthy and thrives for the duration of its lifespan.

What Is The Average Growth Rate For Botia Kubotai?
The average growth rate for Botia kubotai is about 2-3 inches per year.
Adults typically grow to be around 4-5 inches in length, although some specimens have been known to reach up to 6 inches.
What Is The Best Diet For Botia Kubotai?
When it comes to diet, Botia Kubotai can be fed a diet of pellets or flakes, supplemented with live or frozen foods.
It is important to offer a variety of foods to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need.
Some botia kubotai may also enjoy the occasional piece of fruit or vegetable.
While there is no one perfect diet for all botia kubotai, providing a variety of nutritious foods will help them thrive in your aquarium setup.
What Is The Average Lifespan For Botia Kubotai?
The average lifespan of Botia kubotai is between 8-12 years.
With proper care and ideal tank conditions, B. kubotai can make a fascinating and fairly long-lived addition to your freshwater aquarium.
What Is The Ideal Tank Size For Botia Kubotai?
When it comes to choosing the right tank size for your Botia Kubotai, there are two main factors to consider: how many fish you want to keep and the tankmates you’d like to include.
These fish grow to an adult size of around 4-5 inches, so a good rule of thumb is to allow for at least 1 gallon of water per fish.
Second, you’ll need to consider the space you have available.
These fish are relatively active and prefer to have plenty of room to swim, so a larger tank is always better.
If you’re planning on keeping other fish with your Botia Kubotai, make sure they are compatible in terms of size and activity level.
A good rule of thumb is to choose a tank size that is at least 50 gallons, as this will provide enough space for several B. kubotai and other potential tankmates.
What Is The Best Tank Setup For Botia Kubotai?
The ideal tank setup for Botia kubotai requires a basic external canister filter, a sandy substrate, and plenty of hiding places.
Botia kubotai are relatively clean fish, so you won’t need a lot of filtration.
However, they do produce a fair amount of waste, so a high-quality filter is essential.
While there are several choices available for your aquarium’s substrate, sand is the best option.
Botia kubotai loves to burrow, and sand is soft enough that it won’t damage their delicate skin.
Finally, be sure to include plenty of hiding places in your tank.
Botia kubotai are shy fish and will appreciate having somewhere to hide if they feel stressed.
By following these guidelines, you can create a happy and healthy environment for your Botia kubotai.

How Do I Breed Botia Kubotai?
Although it was discovered in 2002, very little is known about the breeding habits of this particular species, with few reported commercial or aquarium reproduction cases.
What Are The Best Tank Mates For Botia Kubotai?
When it comes to finding the best tank mates for Botia kubotai, there are a few things to keep in mind:
• These fish are peaceful by nature and do well with other fish that have a similar temperament
• They prefer to live in groups and do best when kept in shoals of at least six fish
• They need a combination of hiding places and open swimming spaces in their aquarium.
With these factors in mind, some of the best possible tank-mates for Botia kubotai include goldfish, guppies, platies, and tetras.
Where Can I Find Botia Kubotai For Sale?
Botia Kubotai can be found for sale on major retailers such as Petco and Amazon, as well as a variety of online aquarist shops and independent merchants.
Prices usually range from $7-20 depending on the age and size of the fish.
As always, make sure to do your research before making a purchase, as prices can vary significantly from one retailer to the next.