Common Name | Buenos Aires Tetra |
Scientific Name | Hyphessobrycon Anisitsi |
Origin | South America / Southeastern Coastline |
Temperature | 64F to 82F |
Water pH | 5.8 to 8.5 |
Size | up to 3 inches |
Food & Diet | Omnivorous |
Buenos Aires Tetra Facts
- The Buenos Aires Tetra gets its name from the capital city of Argentina.
- A distinctive black diamond shaped spot on their tail fin makes it fairly easy to tell this species of Tetra apart from the others.
- Buenos Aires Tetra are not considered an aggressive fish, but they can quickly turn aggressive if they are being housed inadequately.
- Buenos Aires Tetra are an egg scattering fish that provide no parental care to their own offspring, and will even eat their own fry.
- Buenos Aires Tetra were once a very popular choice for home aquariums, but their popularity has declined in recent years due to their affinity for eating live plants.
Buenos Aires Tetra Care
Buenos Aires Tetras have a silvery sheen to their bodies with a distinctive line that runs horizontally through their bodies until it reaches a black, diamond shaped spot located on their tail fin. This distinctive spot makes it fairly easy to identify a Buenos Aires Tetra from other members of the Tetra species, and also makes them a popular choice for home aquariums. Buenos Aires Tetras can also be identified by their almost transparent, reddish-orange fins. At full maturity, the males can be identified by the yellowish tint to their fins.

Food and Diet
Buenos Aires Tetras are omnivorous. This means that they will eat both animal and plant matter. In the wild, they can be found feeding on worms, insects, plants, and even small crustaceans. When choosing food for Buenos Aires Tetras make sure that you are choosing food that is fit for omnivorous fish. This will ensure that they are getting a complete diet and the correct nutrition they need.
In captivity, you can expect them to readily accept most foods. They are not picky eaters. They will eat frozen, flaked, pelleted, and even live foods. It has been suggested that Buenos Aires Tetra should be offered high quality live foods for them to keep their vibrant coloration. It is advised that you feed Buenos Aires Tetras 2 small meals per day opposed to 1 large one. They should only be fed enough food that they can completely consume in 2 to 3 minutes. This will help cut down on waste, and it will help keep their tank more clean.
Size and Lifespan
Buenos Aires Tetras are one of the largest species of Tetra. At full maturity, Buenos Aires Tetras can reach up to 3 inches in length. Buenos Aires Tetras are considered hardy fish and great for beginners to the fishkeeping hobby to start out with. If they are cared for properly, Buenos Aires Tetras can live up to 6 years in captivity.
Tank Requirements
Buenos Aires Tetras require a minimum of at least a 25 to 30 gallon tank or better. Buenos Aires Tetras are a shoaling fish that need to be kept in a group of 6 or more. Adding more Buenos Aires Tetras requires additional gallons to provide them with adequate space and prevent overcrowding. Overcrowding is a much more serious situation which can lead to aggression amongst the fish and less than adequate water conditions due to waste buildup.
Buenos Aires Tetra can thrive in a wider range of water temperature at 64F to 82F, and 5.8 to 8.5 pH. Even though they are able to thrive in a wider range of water parameters, this does not mean that they can thrive in a setup that is lacking. It is important to make sure that you monitor their water parameters and perform regular water changes to help keep your Buenos Aires Tetra healthy and happy.
Tank Setup
When setting up a tank to house Buenos Aires Tetra, it is best to try to set it up so that it mimics their natural habitat in the wild. This will help reduce stress to the fish. Stressed fish are more apt to illness, and disease.
Buenos Aires Tetra are not picky when it comes to the decor you choose to put in their tank. You can choose dirt or gravel substrate, driftwood or rocks. Just make sure that you avoid overcrowding the tank, and leave plenty of space for the fish to roam. Usually it is the middle of the tank that should remain clear.
The important thing to keep in mind when choosing decor is that they will eat live plants. It does not matter the type of plant, you will find that they will eat it. If you find that you want the look of plants without worry, you can choose artificial plants to decorate their tank.
Buenos Aires Tetra requires a powerful filtration system to keep their water as clean as possible. They are very sensitive to ammonia, phosphates, and nitrates.
Buenos Aires Tetra Tank Mates
There are many types of fish that would be compatible with the Buenos Aires Tetra in a community setup. Buenos Aires Tetras are not considered an aggressive fish, but if their needs are not being met you will observe them going after other fish in the tank.
Since Buenos Aires Tetras occupy the mid level of the aquarium, you will find that most bottom dwelling fish will get along with them without incident. The most compatible fish to house with Buenos Aires Tetra are other Buenos Aires Tetras. They can also be housed with other, larger Tetras, Barbs, and Danios.
Buenos Aires Tetras should not be housed with long finned, slow moving fish as they will nip at their fins. You will be able to see the fin damage to your fish if this is occurring in your tank. They should also not be housed with fish that are aggressive, territorial, or could see them as food. Buenos Aires Tetra are also very fast moving fish, and their behaviors could potentially stress out other fish in your aquarium.
Are Buenos Aires Tetra Aggressive?
Buenos Aires Tetra are not considered an aggressive fish, but they will turn aggressive if their needs are not being met. It is important to make sure that they are being housed correctly so that this does not happen. Buenos Aires Tetras will also nip the fins of long finned fish but this is not so much due to aggression as it is the way that they interact with their environment.
Buenos Aires Tetra and Angelfish
There are some species of Tetra that can be housed with Angelfish, but Buenos Aires Tetras are not one of them. It is not a good idea to house Buenos Aires Tetra with Angelfish. Angelfish will see the Buenos Aires Tetra as food, and the Buenos Aires Tetra will continually nip at the fins of the Angelfish.
Buenos Aires Tetra and Molly
Buenos Aires Tetras can be safely housed with Mollies, but only certain species. Just like there are some species of Tetra that are more prone to aggression, fin nipping, and resource guarding, there are certain species of Molly that behave the same. Both species share similar needs and water parameters. You will still have to monitor the two species to make sure that no issues develop between the two species in your community tank.
Buenos Aires Tetra and Goldfish
Goldfish are a fish that produce a lot of waste, and if you are considering a community tank containing Buenos Aires Tetra and Goldfish, you want to make sure that you invest in a powerful filtration system. Buenos Aires Tetras are very sensitive to nitrates, and ammonia in their water so when introducing a goldfish into a tank with a Buenos Aires Tetra it is important to provide them with a quality filtration system to help filter out the waste as much as possible. Establishing regular water changes is also essential. Otherwise, Goldfish and Buenos Aires Tetras can be housed together successfully as long as all their needs are being met.
Buenos Aires Tetra and Betta
Some aquarists have been able to successfully keep Buenos Aires Tetra and Bettas together but there are other fish that would be a much better fit for Buenos Aires Tetra tank mates. Betta fish are territorial and will sometimes go after and kill Tetras, and Tetras will bother and nip the fins of the Betta.
Buenos Aires Tetra and Shrimp
It is not a good idea to house Buenos Aires Tetra with Shrimp as they will see them as food and go after them. In the wild Buenos Aires Tetra are opportunistic omnivores who will feed on what they can get. This means that they will go after Shrimp in the tank.
Some keepers of both Buenos Aires Tetra and Shrimp suggest that they can be kept together if placed in the appropriate conditions, but they should be monitored frequently for issues.
Buenos Aires Tetra Breeding
Buenos Aires Tetras are egg scattering fish. This means that the females will occasionally scatter their eggs around the tank in hopes that they will be fertilized. It is possible that you will see one or two fry pop up and join the group over time, but to ensure the success and survival of the fry you will want to set up a dedicated breeding tank, or place things such as netting in the tank to shelter the fry. Buenos Aires Tetra, like most members of the Tetra species, will eat their own fry.
Do Buenos Aires Tetra Lay Eggs?
Buenos Aires Tetra are an egg scattering fish. This means that when the females are ready to drop their eggs, they will scatter them around the tank in hopes that they will be fertilized and survive. Buenos Aires Tetra, like other species of Tetra, do not provide any parental care to their offspring and will eat them if given the chance.
Buenos Aires Tetra Males and Females
It is possible to tell the difference between male and female Buenos Aires Tetra simply by looking at them, but only once they reach full maturity. The fins of the male Buenos Aires Tetra have a yellowish tint to them. Female Buenos Aires Tetras are typically rounder than the males as they become full of eggs when they are ready to spawn.
Buenos Aires Tetra Disease
Buenos Aires Tetra are a hardy fish, and can thrive in a wide variety of water parameters, but this does not mean that they can survive without their needs being met. A fish whose needs are not being met will quickly become stressed, and could become ill. It is better to make sure that you have a proper setup to house your fish, and establish regular water changes.
Buenos Aires Tetras are susceptible to many of the same ailments as other freshwater fish, including Neon Tetra Disease.
Neon Tetra Disease is a fish ailment that is caused by a microsporidian parasite, and it is a fairly common ailment. This disease starts out mildly and then progressively gets worse. It is possible to catch this disease in its early stages, by simply observing the behavior of the fish. For example, a fish who has Neon Tetra Disease may not school with the other fish, and become stressed and erratic. There is no known cure for Neon Tetra Disease. Most fish that are found to have contracted the disease will unfortunately have to be euthanized.
Where Can I Find Buenos Aires Tetra for Sale?
If you are looking to purchase Buenos Aires Tetra for yourself, you can expect to find them in most pet stores and from breeders online. You will want to make sure that you are purchasing your Buenos Aires Tetra from a reputable source to ensure that you are getting a healthy, disease free fish. You can expect to pay around $2 for one Buenos Aires Tetra.