Breeding aquarium fish can be a very rewarding experience. However, the level of difficulty can be different, depending on the type of fish you decide to breed. Especially if you are a beginner in the fishkeeping hobby, our recommendation is to start breeding fish that are considered to be easy-to-breed.
Generally speaking, one of the easiest fish to breed are livebearers such as guppies. In fact, guppies in particular are so easy to breed, many would consider them to be the easiest fish to breed.
However, they aren’t the only ones. Here are 18 of the easiest aquarium fish to breed:
Table of Contents
Common Name
Scientific Name
Poecilia reticulata
Northeast South America
0.6–2.4 inches (1.5–6 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 10 gallons (38 liters)
74–82°F (23–28°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
Breeding guppies involves maintaining a balanced aquarium with stable water conditions (78°F, pH 6.8-7.8) and a mix of male and female guppies, ideally at a ratio of one male to two or three females. Provide a nutrient-rich diet and add aquarium plants for shelter. Pregnant females, identifiable by a dark gravid spot, give birth to 20-50 fry every 30 days. Separate fry from adults to prevent them from being eaten and feed them finely crushed flakes or fry food.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Xiphophorus maculatus
Central America (primarily Mexico and Guatemala)
1.5 to 2.5 inches (3.8 to 6.4 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 10 gallons (38 liters)
70°F to 80°F (21°C to 27°C)
Water pH
7.0 to 8.2
Ease of Care
Easy (suitable for beginners)
How to Breed
To breed Platies, maintain a healthy ratio of males to females (1 male to 2-3 females) in a warm (70-80°F), slightly alkaline aquarium with hiding places. Platies are livebearers; identify pregnant females by their enlarged belly and dark gravid spot. Optionally, isolate pregnant females in a separate tank for birthing. After birth, remove the mother to protect the fry, and feed them with infusoria or crushed flakes until they can eat regular fish food.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Poecilia sphenops
Central America
Size (Adult)
10-15 cm
Tank Size (Minimum)
75 liters
Temperature (°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed mollies, maintain a mix of male and female in a clean, spacious aquarium with slightly alkaline water (pH 7.5-8.2) at around 78°F (25.5°C). Include plants and hiding places for safety. Mollies breed easily in good conditions; females become gravid and give birth to live fry after about a month. It’s important to separate the fry into a nursery tank with a sponge filter and provide them with suitable food, like infusoria or finely crushed flake food, to ensure their growth and survival.
Endler’s Livebearers
Common Name
Endler’s Livebearer
Scientific Name
Poecilia wingei
Venezuela, specifically in the Laguna de Patos in Cumaná
1 to 1.8 inches (2.5 to 4.5 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 5 gallons (preferably larger for groups)
72-82°F (22-28°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
Breeding Endler’s Livebearers requires a well-maintained aquarium with a temperature around 78°F and a pH of 7.0-8.0. A planted tank is ideal for providing hiding spots for the fry. Maintain a balanced ratio of males to females to prevent stress. These livebearers have a gestation period of about 23-26 days, with females giving birth to 10-30 fry. To protect the fry, use a breeding box or a separate nursery tank. Feed them high-quality, fine food and ensure consistent water changes and good filtration to maintain water quality.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Xiphophorus hellerii
Central and North America
Up to 5-6 inches (13-15 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 15 gallons
72-79°F (22-26°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed swordtails, maintain a group of males and females. Males are identifiable by their elongated tail fins. Keep water temperature at 75-80°F (24-27°C) and pH around 7.0-8.0, and provide a well-planted tank for shelter. Females give birth to live young, or fry, after about 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. Separate the fry or ensure the tank has plenty of hiding spots to protect them from adult fish. Maintain high-quality food and clean water conditions for the health of both adults and fry.
Mosquito Fish
Common Name
Mosquito Fish
Scientific Name
Gambusia affinis
United States
1.5-2.5 inches
Tank Size
At least 10 gallons
68-82°F (20-28°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Mosquito Fish, set up a spacious aquarium with temperatures set to 70-80°F and provide hiding places with plants or decorations. Keep more females than males to avoid aggression. Females will develop a gravid spot when pregnant and give birth to 20-40 live young after a 4-6 week gestation. Feed them high-quality flake food and occasionally live or frozen food. To protect the fry, use a separate breeding tank or a breeding box, as adults may eat them.
Convict Cichlids
Common Name
Convict Cichlid
Scientific Name
Amatitlania nigrofasciata
Central America
4-6 inches (10-15 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 30 gallons
79-84°F (26-29°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Convict Cichlids, set up a 30-gallon aquarium with a pH of 6.5-8.0 and a temperature of 79°F. Include rocks or clay pots for hiding and spawning. Introduce a small group to form pairs naturally. Once paired, they will clean a flat surface for egg laying. The female lays up to 300 eggs, guarded by both parents. Provide protein-rich food during this period and perform regular water changes. Eggs hatch in 3 days, and fry swim freely after a week, requiring finely crushed flake food or brine shrimp.
Firemouth Cichlids
Common Name
Firemouth Cichlid
Scientific Name
Thorichthys meeki
Central America
Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 30 gallons
75-86°F (24-30°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Firemouth Cichlids, maintain the aquarium with a temperature of 75-80°F, a pH of 6.5-8.0, and soft water. Introduce a nutrient-rich diet to a breeding pair. Provide hiding spaces and flat surfaces for egg-laying. The female lays eggs on these surfaces, and the male fertilizes them. Parents guard the eggs, which hatch in about three days. Feed the fry with fine, quality food, and ensure excellent water quality through regular partial water changes and monitoring.
Kribensis Cichlids
Common Name
Kribensis Cichlid
Scientific Name
Pelvicachromis pulcher
West Africa
3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 20 gallons (75 liters)
75-79°F (24-26°C)
Water pH
6.5 to 7.5
Ease of Care
How to Breed
Provide a cave for spawning, stable water conditions, and a diet of high-quality food. The female lays eggs in the cave, and both parents guard and care for the eggs and fry.
Ram Cichlids
Common Name
Ram Cichlid
Scientific Name
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
South America, specifically from Venezuela and Colombia
Typically 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) in length
Tank Size
Minimum of 20 gallons for a pair
78 to 85°F (25.5 to 29.5°C)
Water pH
6.0 to 7.5
Ease of Care
Moderate. Requires stable water conditions and a well-planted tank
How to Breed
To breed Kribensis Cichlids, maintain a spacious tank with clean, warm water (75-79°F), pH 6.0-7.5, and hiding spots. Feed a varied diet and introduce a healthy pair. The male’s courtship dance and colorful display attract the female. She lays eggs in a cave, guarded by the male. Eggs hatch in 2-3 days, and fry start swimming in a week. Feed them fry food or crushed flakes. Regular tank maintenance is crucial.
Zebra Danios
Common Name
Zebra Danio
Scientific Name
Danio rerio
Eastern India
Up to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 10 gallons (larger is recommended)
64-74°F (18-23.5°C)
Water pH
6.5-7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral)
Ease of Care
Easy (good for beginners)
How to Breed
To breed Zebra Danios, set up a separate breeding tank with fine-leaved plants, maintain a temperature of 78-80°F (25-27°C), and keep water quality high. Select a healthy male and female, place them in the tank, and wait for the female to become plump with eggs. Once they spawn, remove the adult fish to prevent them from eating the eggs. After about 48 hours, the eggs will hatch into fry. Feed them powdered fry food until they can eat finely crushed flakes. With proper care, Zebra Danios can be relatively easy to breed in captivity.
While Cloud Mountain Minnows
Common Name
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Scientific Name
Tanichthys albonubes
Up to 1.5 inches (4 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 10 gallons (38 liters)
64-72°F (18-22°C)
Water pH
6.0 to 8.0
Ease of Care
How to Breed
White Cloud Mountain Minnows are easy to breed. They are egg scatterers and breed all year round. To breed them, you need both males and females in your tank. Males are more slender and smaller than females, have more color, and have wide and fan-shaped dorsal and anal fins. Females have triangular and wedge-shaped dorsal and anal fins. You can condition them for breeding with live foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia. Place the minnows in a small tank with a spawning mop or some java moss. Males will attempt to attract females by displaying their fins, often alongside one another .
Bristlenose Plecos
Common Name
Bristlenose Pleco
Scientific Name
Ancistrus spp.
South America
Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 20 gallons (75 liters)
73-81°F (23-27°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Bristlenose Plecos, you will need a 20-gallon or larger tank with plants, wood, and caves for the fish to hide and spawn. Get a pair of Bristlenose Plecos that are at least a year old and have bristles on the nose for the male and none for the female. Feed them well and maintain good water quality and pH between 7 and 7.8. Avoid any predators or filters that can harm the eggs or fry. Watch for the male to guard the eggs in the cave and the fry to emerge after a few weeks.
Rosy Barbs
Rosy Barb
Scientific Name
Pethia conchonius
South Asia, particularly in India
Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum of 20 gallons
64-72°F (18-22°C)
Water pH
6.0 – 8.0
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Rosy Barb, create a separate breeding tank with plants and an air pump. Transfer the male and female fish to the breeding tank when the water temperature is between 64-72°F. The female will lay eggs among the plants, and the male will fertilize them with his milt. After 30 hours, the eggs will hatch into fry. Remove the bonded pair from the breeding tank to prevent them from eating the fry. Rosy Barbs prefer to breed in shallow waters, so it is recommended to add a few inches of water in the separate tank.
Freshwater Angelfish
Common Name
Freshwater Angelfish
Scientific Name
Pterophyllum scalare
Amazon Basin, South America
Up to 6 inches in length
Tank Size
Minimum 20 gallons (larger preferred)
76°F to 84°F (24°C to 29°C)
Water pH
6.0 to 7.5
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Freshwater Angelfish, set up a 20-30-gallon tank with stable water conditions (78-82°F, slightly acidic). Introduce a compatible pair, offer live or frozen foods to condition them, and provide a flat surface for egg laying. Once they lay eggs, the male fertilizes them, and both parents guard them. After a few days, the eggs hatch into fry, which you can feed specialized fry food. Maintain water quality and conditions for success.
Least Killifish
Common Name
Least Killifish
Scientific Name
Heterandria formosa
Southeastern United States
Up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 5 gallons (19 liters)
68-78°F (20-26°C)
Water pH
6.7 to 8.5
Ease of Care
How to Breed
Least Killifish is a small, live-bearing fish that is easy to care for and breed. To breed Least Killifish, keep males and females in a tank with the proper water parameters. Breeding will occur naturally, and it is almost impossible to prevent reproduction if both sexes are present in the tank. The males release sperm into the female, and gestation periods last up to four weeks before they give birth to fry. They give birth continuously and not in broods.
Harlequin Rasboras
Common Name
Harlequin Rasbora
Scientific Name
Trigonostigma heteromorpha
Southeast Asia
Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 10 gallons
72-81°F (22-27°C)
Water pH
Ease of Care
How to Breed
To breed Harlequin Rasbora, set up a separate tank with soft, slightly acidic water and introduce a well-conditioned pair of adults. Provide dense plant cover for egg laying, then remove the adults to prevent egg consumption. Maintain water temperature at 78-82°F (25-28°C) and feed the fry with small live foods until they can eat powdered flakes.
Panda Corydoras
Common Name
Panda Corydoras
Scientific Name
Corydoras panda
South America (Peru)
2 inches (5 cm)
Tank Size
Minimum 10 gallons
72°F – 77°F (22°C – 25°C)
Water pH
6.0 – 7.0
Ease of Care
Easy (suitable for beginners)
How to Breed
To breed Panda Corydoras, maintain an aquarium with soft, slightly acidic water at 75-80°F (24-27°C). Feed them a varied diet, including live or frozen foods. To trigger breeding, perform partial water changes with slightly cooler water to simulate a rainy season. Provide spawning mops or fine-leaved plants for egg laying, then remove the adults. After 4-6 days, the eggs will hatch into fry, which can be fed specialized food until they grow large enough for regular food.
With decades of collective fishkeeping experience, we are happy to share the fish care tips that we've picked up along the way. Our goal at Fish Laboratory is to keep publishing accurate content to help fishkeepers keep their fish and aquarium healthy. Check us out on YouTube, Instagram, and learn more about us!