Galaxy Rasbora (Danio margaritatus), also known as Celestial Pearl Danio, is a peaceful fish with many potential tank mates to keep them with.
It has only been 20 years since Galaxy Rasboras were discovered, but they have quickly become a favorite fish with aquarists, almost driving them to extinction in the wild at one point. Their markings appear to resemble a galaxy, featuring a dark blue body with white or yellow spots.
Learn more about how to Galaxy Rasbora Care.
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Compatible Tank Mates for Galaxy Rasboras
As they are such peaceful fish, galaxy rasboras are quite easy to select tankmates for. Other fish with a similar easy-going attitude, that require the same water parameters can all make ideal tankmates for your rasboras.
Here’s a list of some of the best tank mates for Galaxy Rasboras (Celestial Pearl Danios):
- Bettas
- Guppies
- Neon Tetras
- Cardinal Tetra
- Bloodfin Tetra
- Silvertip tetras
- Lemon tetras
- Black neon tetras
- Cherry shrimp
- Amano Shrimp
- Blue shrimp
- Bamboo shrimp
- Platys
- Cherry barbs
- Hexagon barbs
- Zebra Danio
- African Dwarf Frogs
- Killifish
- Endler’s Livebearer
- Pygmy Hatchetfish
- Molly Fish
- Honey Gourami
- Sparkling Gourami
- Chocolate Gourami
- Corydoras Catfish
- Aquarium Snails
Galaxy rasboras are fairly easy to find suitable tank mates for. They are a very easy-going, peaceful species, so most other peaceful species will get along just great with your rasboras, as long as they are in ideal living conditions.
Bettas and Galaxy Rasboras live together in the wild, which makes them a great choice for tank mates when setting up a community tank. Since they live together in the wild, both species have the same water parameter requirements.
For the most part, bettas are a relatively peaceful species as well, as long as they have enough space in their tanks. Male bettas can become aggressive with little warning, so monitor your tank carefully when they are introduced to each other.
Guppies are a great choice as tank mates for galaxy rasboras for a couple of reasons. They both have very docile temperaments, so they are highly unlikely to ever have any aggression issues with each other, even though they will both occupy the middle of the water column.
Both species also require the same water parameters, meaning they will both be in their ideal living conditions.
Neon Tetras
Neon tetras are one of the easiest tetras to care for, making them a great choice as tank mates for galaxy rasboras. Both species are schooling fish, and both require the same water parameters.
Although both species will live in the middle of the water column, as long as their schools are large enough they will likely never bother each other. A large school of neon tetras can also make your rasboras more active throughout the day.
Cardinal Tetra
While not as docile as some other species of tetras, cardinal tetras can still be kept in the same tank as galaxy rasboras, provided both fish have enough room to be on their own. As with other species of tetras, they require very similar water parameters.
Cardinal tetras are peaceful by nature but may show aggression under specific circumstances, such as when feeding or mating. Ensuring both schools of fish have enough room to be separate will help to alleviate this issue.
Bloodfin Tetra
Bloodfin tetras are a very popular schooling fish, known for their bright red fins and active nature. Not only are they hardy and easy to care for, but they are also small in size, so they won’t make the Galaxy Rasboras look tiny in comparison.
Bloodfins can live in cooler water as well but are more than comfortable in the temperature range the galaxy rasboras need to be kept in. Both species also prefer a tank with lots of plant cover.
Other Tetras
While most species of tetras are peaceful, there are a few species that are known to be aggressive toward other species of fish. Bucktooth tetras, emperor tetras, and white tetras are all known to show aggression toward other fish.
When looking for a more docile species of tetra, consider silvertip tetras, lemon tetras, or black neon tetras. No matter which species you choose, their tank should be optimized to give all species plenty of room to move around.
Cherry Shrimp
Cherry shrimp and galaxy rasboras can be great tank mates, as they will live in different areas of their tank, and therefore likely not cross paths very often. They also require almost the same water parameters as well.
Galaxy rasboras are small fish, so they aren’t ever a danger to your shrimp. The only exception is if your shrimp breed; when the shrimp fry are small, they make a great snack for your rasboras. Also keep in mind that galaxy rasboras are quite small, and can get into the places where breeding shrimp will try to hide.
Amano Shrimp
When compared to galaxy rasboras, Amano shrimp will grow to be about twice the size. This ensures their safety when paired with the smaller galaxy rasboras. Amano shrimp are also a popular choice because they are relatively hardy when compared with other shrimp species.
Both species prefer a tank with lots of plants as well, so both will be comfortable in the same environment.
Other Shrimp
As a result of their small size, Galaxy Rasboras make excellent companions for shrimp with similar water parameter requirements. A lot of shrimp available will be the same size or bigger than the Galaxy Rasboras, so they should be safe from becoming a meal. Some popular choices include neon yellow shrimp, blue shrimp, and bamboo shrimp.
As with any shrimp, keep in mind that Galaxy Rasboras will eat their fry, should they breed, and can also get into most small areas that breeding shrimp will try to hide. If you are setting up a tank with the intention of breeding your shrimp, not placing any fish in it will ensure you lose as few fry as possible.
Gouramis and Galaxy Rasboras can be suitable tank mates, depending on the species of gourami you choose. As long as you select one of the more docile species, such as chocolate gouramis or honey gouramis, they can live quite peacefully together in the same tank.
Some species of gouramis are simply too large and aggressive to be paired with a fish as small as Galaxy Rasboras. Giant gouramis and pearl gouramis are examples of gouramis that should be avoided when selecting tank mates.
Platys and Galaxy Rasboras both prefer a tank with lots of plant cover, and also both share the same water parameter requirements. Platys are peaceful and mild-tempered, and also prefer to stay lower in the tank, making them a great choice to be paired with Galaxy Rasboras.
There are a lot of different species of barbs available, but not all are suitable as tank mates with Galaxy Rasboras. Tiger barbs, snakeskin barbs, and clown barbs are all known to be semi-aggressive and nip at the fins of other fish. If you do choose a semi-aggressive species of barb, keeping them in a large enough school can help to limit their aggression.
Non-aggressive barbs, such as cherry barbs or hexagon barbs, make a great choice for a community tank. Both are known to be less aggressive than other barbs and are closer in size to the Galaxy Rasboras as well.
Galaxy rasboras are a part of the danio family (they are now known as Celestial Pearl Danios), so they make great tank mates. Danios, such as Zebra Danios are peaceful and timid fish, so having schools of different danios is a great choice when trying to avoid aggression.
Galaxy rasboras and danios both have very similar water requirements (depending on the exact species), and both prefer a tank with lots of plants for cover. While both will occupy the same area of the tank, they are highly unlikely to bother each other, ad may even end up schooling together.
African Dwarf Frogs
African dwarf frogs are docile and timid, and also require the same water parameters as galaxy rasboras. This makes them a great choice if you are looking for something a bit different to add to your aquarium. One thing to keep in mind before placing them together is that dwarf frogs are known to eat small fish, so there is always a chance you could lose some Galaxy Rasboras.
Since they are so timid, they can often miss out on food at feeding time and become malnourished. This is not only bad for their health but makes it even more likely they will eat some of your fish. Ensure that the slower-eating frogs get enough food to minimize this risk.
Lots of hiding places should also be provided for the frogs to make them feel as comfortable as possible.
Killifish are a family of tropical and subtropical fish found all over the world. Finding a particular breed with the same water requirements as Galaxy Rasboras are fairly easy as there are species that live in almost every type of water condition.
Killifish are known for their calm and peaceful demeanor, making them a great choice to be paired with Galaxy Rasboras.
Endler’s Livebearer
Endler’s Livebearers are one of the most eye-catching small fish available for purchase, although they can be a bit difficult to find depending on your location. They are worth the search to pair them with Galaxy Rasboras. The males of the species have even more vivid colors.
These fish are related to mollies and guppies, so they have very similar temperaments. Both fish require the same water parameters, and both prefer to live in a tank with other peaceful schooling fish.
Incompatible Tank Mates for Galaxy Rasboras
Galaxy Rasboras are small timid fish, so tank mates should be selected with caution.
In general, aggressive fish should be generally avoided as tank mates. Fish that are larger in size would require more caution when considering them as tank mates as well. Otherwise, the Galaxy Rasboras may become prey to these fish.
Here’s a list of tank mates that are generally not compatible with Galaxy Rasboras:
- Angelfish
- Oscars
- Jack Dempsey
- Tiger barbs
- Snakeskin barbs
- Clown barbs
- Red Tail Shark
- Afer Knife
- Dwarf Pea Puffer
- Bichir
- Bucktooth tetras
- Emperor tetras
- White tetras
While some aquarists have luck keeping small angelfish with Galaxy Rasboras, most recommend against it. Angelfish can be quite aggressive, and due to their small size, Galaxy Rasboras can be seen as an easy target.
If you do want to attempt to add angelfish to your Galaxy Rasbora tank, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, ensure the tank has sufficient space and cover for both species to have enough space. Secondly, ensure that your angelfish are well fed, so they never need to eat any of the other fish.
Galaxy Rasbora Behavior
As their size would suggest, Galaxy Rasboras are timid schooling fish. Other than other fish of their species, they will not often interact with other fish, which makes them a very peaceful choice for a freshwater community tank. They require lots of cover, where they will hide if they feel unsafe or threatened.
If kept in schools that are too small, they may not interact or move around nearly as much as they would in a larger school.
Are Galaxy Rasbora Aggressive?
Galaxy rasboras are not aggressive at all, with few exceptions. They are shy and will hide rather than fight when they are threatened. Males may show some aggression towards other males when they are breeding or fighting over a female.
If you do notice some in-fighting between your Galaxy Rasboras, there is a very good chance they aren’t getting enough food.
Are Galaxy Rasbora Suited for Community Tanks?
Galaxy Rasboras are a popular fish for community tanks for a few reasons. Their shy temperament makes them a great choice for not upsetting the balance in a tank. Galaxy Rasboras also have generic water parameter requirements, so keeping them with a large range of fish is possible. Their small size also makes having a school of them in a relatively small tank possible.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, Galaxy Rasboras are one of the most visually stunning fish of their size available for purchase in the aquarium trade.
How Many Galaxy Rasbora Should be Kept Together?
Galaxy Rasboras are schooling fish, so they need to be kept in groups of at least 4-6. A much larger school can be kept together too, provided their tank is large enough.
An equal distribution of male and female Galaxy Rasboras will give your school the best dynamic.
Will Galaxy Rasbora School With Other fish?
As fish school mainly on size and appearance, it can be quite common for Galaxy Rasboras to school with other fish, provided they are a similar-looking species. Other fish are a lot more selective about who they school with, but Galaxy Rasboras aren’t nearly as picky.