Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma Hengeli): The Ultimate Care Guide

Common NameGlowlight Rasbora
Scientific NameTrigonostigma Hengeli
OriginSoutheast Asia
Temperature73.4F – 82.4F
Water Parameters5.0 – 7.5 pH
Sizeup to 1 inch in length
Glowlight Rasbora
Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma Hengeli)

The Glowlight Rasbora

Glowlight Rasbora originates from Southeast Asian waters. Most of these fish in the aquarium trade are wild caught, and therefore they are a more rare fish to acquire for your home aquarium. Even though they are more difficult to find for sale, especially in pet stores, you will be able to find them for sale online.

Glowlight Rasboras are omnivorous fish. In the wild they can be found snacking on zooplankton, insects, small crustaceans, and worms. In captivity, they will readily accept a high quality flake or pellet food. In the wild, they are described as micro predators that will

Glowlight Tetras are beautifully colored fish that add a nice vibrant pop of color to your aquarium. The body of the Glowlight Rasbora has a nice range of translucent with either a white or orangish shade, but as they race by, you will get to see a flash of neon orange from the iridescent streak that runs through their bodies laterally. This streak runs parallel to another streak on their body that is solid black. They have a yellowish tint to their fins as well.

Glowlight Rasbora Care

Glowlight Rasboras are considered a hardy fish that is forgiving of changes in their water parameters. It is for this reason that they are considered a hardy fish and great for beginners to the hobby. Even though they are hardy and somewhat forgiving, it is still important to make sure that their water parameters are correct.


Glowlight Rasboras prefer a warmer temperature to thrive. They do best when they are kept in the range of 73.4F to 82.4F. Glowlight Rasboras are capable of surviving slight fluctuations in their water temperature as they are considered hardy, but if you are not confident that their water will remain at the right temperature you will need to invest in a quality heater for their aquarium.

Water pH

Glowlight Rasboras prefer their water to stay in a range of 5.0 to 7.5 pH. This wider range of water parameters is another reason why they are considered a hardy fish who is easy to keep.

Glowlight Rasbora Size

Glowlight Rasboras are among some of the smallest Rasboras. At full maturity they can reach only slightly over one inch in length. This makes them a great choice for a smaller aquarium.

Food and Diet

Glowlight Rasboras in their natural habitat are described as micro predators that prefer to hunt for their food. In the wild, they consume worms, small insects, small crustaceans, and zooplankton. In captivity, they are much less picky with what they eat, and they will readily accept a high quality pellet or flake food. They can also be offered brine shrimp as a treat, but it should not be given too often. Proper feeding is key to the health and happiness of Glowlight Rasbora.


When cared for properly Glowlight Rasboras have a lifespan of around 2 to 3 years. Their care is directly related to their longevity, so the better they are cared for, the longer you will have them.

Tank Size

Glowlight Rasboras are one of the smaller species of Rasboras. At full maturity they only grow slightly longer than 1 inch. Glowlight Rasboras can be housed in a 10 gallon tank with a small school of 10 fish, but they do best with more room if you have the space for it.

Tank Setup

When setting up a tank for Glowlight Rasboras, you will want to take a look at their natural habitat. They prefer warmer waters and you will need to invest in a quality heater for their comfort.

Glowlight Rasboras occupy the top and middle water column, so they will be fine with whatever substrate that you choose for their tank as well as decor and plants.

Glowlight Rasboras are schooling fish, and for their comfort they should be kept in a grouping of at least 6 fish or more. This will require a tank that is at least 10 gallons or more.

Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma Hengeli)
Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma Hengeli)

How Do Glowlight Rasbora Breed?

Glowlight Rasboras are an egg scattering species of fish. When females are ready to breed, they will search for a place to scatter their eggs, and then the male will follow along after her to then fertilize them. When breeding Glowlight Rasboras, you will need to place a mesh or something in the bottom of the tank to protect the eggs. Glowlight Rasbora parents provide no care to their offspring and will eat their own eggs and fry.

Glowlight Rasbora Male or Female

It is difficult to tell the difference between male and female juvenile Glowlight Rasboras. If you are wanting to get a breeding pair, your best bet is to purchase enough for a small school and allow them to grow to maturity together. Once your Glowlight Rasboras have reached maturity, it should become a little easier, but not much. Glowlight Rasbora females that have reached full maturity have slightly larger bodies, and rounder bellies. Their rounder bellies are typically due to them being full of eggs. This also means that they are nearing spawning time.


Glowlight Rasboras are prone to many of the same ailments as other freshwater fish. They can become infected with fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections.

Some common ailments for Glowlight Rasboras include:


Ich is a parasitic disease that affects the skin of fish. Ich is also referred to as White Spot Disease. Ich shows up a white spotty blotches on the skin of the fish. If left untreated, these white splotches will spread into the gills of your fish, eventually leading to suffocation and death. If caught early on enough, ich can be treated.


Dropsy is a condition in which fluid builds up in the body of the fish. Symptoms of dropsy include bulging eyes, abdominal swelling, pale feces, and loss of color. If your fish is exhibiting symptoms of dropsy, this is usually an indicator of a much larger problem going on with the affected fish. It is possible to help your affected fish, but it requires early detection and correction so that your fish can get better.

Fin Rot

Fin Rot is exactly what it sounds like. The fins of the fish slowly begin to rot or deteriorate. It is possible to cure fin rot in your fish if it is caught early enough.

It is better to prevent these ailments from occurring, rather than try to cure them once they do. Cleanliness and correct diet are key to caring for your Glowlight Rasbora. It is important to establish regular water changes, and monitoring for your aquarium as well as quarantine any new additions to your aquarium.

Glowlight Rasbora Tank Mates

Glowlight Rasboras are a hardy fish that is capable of accepting a wider range of water parameters. This makes them a great addition to a community tank setup. This combined with their preference for the top and middle of the water column, Glowlight Rasboras can live peacefully with many other peaceful species of fish.

Glowlight Rasboras are a great addition to a community tank for their ability to tolerate a wider range of water parameters.

Some potential tank mates for you to consider for your Glowlight Rasboras include:

Betta Fish

Betta Fish and Glowlight Rasboras both thrive in similar conditions, and since both fish are just quick enough to avoid any issues with one another.


Guppies and Glowlight Rasboras do occupy the same level of the water column, but they typically will not get in one another’s way. Both of these species require similar water parameters, and diets. Just make sure to not overcrowd these two species in a tank.

Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetras

Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras can be placed in a community tank with Glowlight Rasboras. These fish have similar requirements for care and feeding. Just make sure that they are not overcrowded in their tank and they will do well together.

Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp

Cherry Shrimp as well as Amano Shrimp are also great choices to place in a community tank with Glowlight Rasboras. Since Glowlight Rasboras and Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp occupy different levels of the water column, these two species will typically stay out of each other’s way. Just keep in mind that Glowlight Rasboras are micro predators and they will go after Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp fry for a meal. 


Angelfish are a tough species to pair with other species of fish. They will do well with Glowlight Rasboras as long as there is enough space for them to get away from one another. It is also a good idea to include lots of cover for these fish to get away from one another if you are planning on placing them together. 


Glowlight Tetras do well in community tanks that include Gouramis as long as they are not overcrowded. If you are going to include these two species together in your community tank, you will want to make sure to also include lots of cover for them to get away from each other.


Both Platys and Glowlight Rasboras are peaceful enough fish that they can be successfully kept in a community tank together without issue. 


Glowlight Tetras can be kept with species of Barbs as long as they are given adequate space. Both of these species share similar diet, and water parameters.


Danios are a great choice to house with Glowlight Rasboras. These two species seem to enjoy one another’s company, and you will be able to place them together in a community setup without issue.

African Dwarf Frogs

Even though Frog species are not typically able to live in a community setup with small fish, they can do well with Glowlight Rasboras as they are quick enough to get out of the way of a hungry frog. It can still be challenging to keep these two species together, but the key to success is making sure that the African Dwarf Frog is happy and well fed.

Where Can I Find Glowlight Rasbora For Sale?

If you are looking to purchase Glowlight Rasbora for your home aquarium, you will be able to find them for sale online for around $20 for a small school of 5 fish.

Glowlight Rasbora VS Harlequin Rasbora

Glowlight Rasboras and Harlequin Rasboras are very similar looking fish. However, they can fairly easily be told apart from one another by looking at their markings. With Glowlight Rasboras, they have both an orangish iridescent line that runs laterally along the body. In Harlequin Rasboras, their black and orange are separated, and appear like triangles of color instead of lines.

Both species of fish have similar dietary needs and water parameters, so if they have enough room, it is likely that you will have no issues keeping the two species together.

Glowlight Rasbora VS Lambchop Rasbora

Lambchop Rasboras are similarly colored to Glowlight Rasboras, but they can still be told apart by looking closely at their coloration and markings. In Lambchop Rasboras, they can be identified by looking at the black marking on its side. It will closely resemble the shape of a lamb chop cut of meat. This is where they get their name. Lambchop Rasboras are often more reddish in color compared to Glowlight Rasboras.

Both Glowlight Rasboras and Lambchop Rasboras have similar needs for water parameters and diet, so they can be housed together peacefully in a community tank as long as they have enough space to roam without being overcrowded with one another.

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