Rasbora Tank Mates: What Fish Can You Keep With Rasboras?

When choosing tank mates for rasboras, it is important to consider the temperament, size, and water parameter requirements of the other fish.

First, regarding the temperament, peaceful fish are desireable. Since rasboras aren’t aggressive fish, they should be housed with other fish that may take advantage of their peaceful nature.

Second, regarding their size, fish that similar in size to the rasboras are desireable. Most rasbora species are small, so small tank mates are generally suitable.

Third, regarding the water parameter requirements, most rasboras prefer a temperature range of 72-82° Fahrenheit and a slightly acidic pH. A tank mate that thrives in similar environments would be ideal.

With that said, keep in mind that there are differences among the various types of rasbora as well. In fact, there are over 80 species of rasboras that are currently recognized.

While recognizing that there are many different rasbora species with different requirements, this guide intends to provide a general understanding of what type of tank mates are suitable for most rasboras. The focus will be placed on the following popular rasbora species:

Harlequin Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora

Rasbora Tank Mates

Here’s a list of potential tank mates for rasboras:

  • Bettas
  • Guppies
  • Cardinal Tetra
  • Cherry Shrimp
  • Amano Shrimp
  • African Dwarf Frogs
  • Danios
  • Angelfish
  • Gourami
  • Platy
  • Barbs
  • Apple Snails
  • Endler’s Livebearers
  • Corydoras

Keep in mind that there are various species, and they may interact differently. In fact, even fish of the same species have individual characteristics, which may dictate their compatibilities.

With that said, let’s dive into the specifics of some of these potential tank mates.


Betta Fish (Betta splendens)

Bettas are excellent rasbora tank mates because both species of fish coexist together in the wild. They can tolerate similar water conditions including temperature and pH.

Both also have temperament and peaceful natures so they can coexist successfully in an aquarium setting.


Guppy Fish, Poecilia Reticulata

Guppies are another excellent rasbora tank mate because both species of fish have a similar disposition. They are gentle and tolerant in their nature and do well in community tanks.

They are also great for beginners (at least some species of rasboras). To avoid adding stress, make sure to keep adequate number of each species so that they can form a school, which is their natural behavior.


A rasbora-tetra tank is a great combination and enjoyable as a community tank. They both occupy different levels of the water column. Rasboras typically occupy the upper half while the tetras would occupy the lower half.

Neon tetras would work great with most rasboras. Harlequin rasboras are a specific type of rasbora that complement neon tetras really well. These two species of fish are docile in nature and come in a variety of colors that mix well. They are also easy to care for and maintain.

Probably one of the best combinations is harlequin rasbora with the neon tetras, but there are other combinations that work well. Cardinal tetras and rasboras do great with each other as well. In general, any tetra would work well as a potential rasbora tank mate.


Red cherry shrimp
Red cherry shrimp in a planted aquarium

In general, shrimp work really great as rasbora tank mates. Smaller, non-predatory-type shrimp work really well with rasbora fish species.

It is likely that the fish will eat tiny shrimp babies because most fish eat shrimp consistently. However, if you introduce larger shrimp it shouldn’t be a problem.

What specific kind of shrimp are compatible as rasbora tank mates? Cherry shrimp and amano shrimp are great companions for this fish species. Both species are docile in nature and would complement each other well.


Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum Scalare)

Angelfish and rasboras can be compatible as tank mates, provided that you have a large enough aquarium with sufficient cover for the rasboras to stay out of the way of the larger and more aggressive angelfish.

However, there will always be a risk of injury to the Rasboras, even with care. Therefore, it is important to observe the fish behavior when introducing the fishes into the same tank.

Larger rasbora species may have a better chance of doing well as angelfish tank mates.


Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia)

Rasboras and gouramis can be compatible as tank mates.

Since many species of rasboras and gouramis are native to Asia, they often share similar requirements in terms of water parameters.

Small peaceful gourami species such as Dwarf Gouramis are excellent candidate as tank mates. While Pearl Gourami are slightly larger, they are very peaceful and compatible fish as well.

However, not all gouramis are compatible as tank mates. Larger and more aggressive species such as Opaline Gourami and Paradise Gourami are generally not recommended as tank mates for rasboras. These gouramis may attack or eat the rasboras, especially the smaller rasbora species.


Platy Fish

Rasboras and platies can be excellent tank mates. Platies are hardy, adaptable, and peaceful.

Since they are both similar in size and can live in similar environments, there should be very little issues keeping both fish in the same tank.


Cherry Barb (Puntius Titteya)

Rasboras and barbs can be compatible as tank mates, as long as the right species are selected and the right tank setup is provided.

First, regarding the species to select, there should be minimal issues from the rasbora side. Most rasbora species are peaceful by nature, and it is very unlikely that they will be the aggressors. Regarding the barbs, aggression levels can differ widely. For example, rasboras and Cherry barbs should be compatible as tank mates since both fish are peaceful. However, Tiger Barbs are aggressive species, and they may pick on the rasboras.

Next, the right tank setup must be provided. Both rasboras and barbs are active fish that swim in groups. It is important to make sure enough open space is provided for both group of fish to swim freely.


Zebra Danio (Danio Rerio)

Danios make excellent companions with rasbora fish species. They tend to swim around the same area of the water column so make sure to keep planted vegetation to provide more dimensions to your tank and therefore have healthier and happier fish coexisting with each other.

The best combination of danio and rasbora has to be the chili rasbora and celestial pearl danio. They have peaceful dispositions and tend to be around the same body size.

Pearls and rasbora fish species are also found overlapping areas especially around southeast Asia. This makes them great additions for rasbora tank mate options

African Dwarf Frog

African dwarf frogs can make great companions for rasboras. Chili rasboras or Harlequin rasboras for example can coincide with African Dwarf Frogs. As long as the rasbora fish species have some tall grass to hide in that makes the coexisting easier. So make sure to plant some dense vegetation.

African dwarf frogs also typically inhabit the top of the water column and thrive in warmer temperature water so this complements the needs of the general rasbora.

Both species do need quite a bit of room so consider a large tank at least 20 gallons or more.

Rasboras Behavior

In general, rasbora’s behaviors can be considered docile in nature and peaceful. This fish species are not aggressive by nature and do the best when they are in a similarly sized community fish tank.

Rasbora fish are suitable for community tanks and thrive in large groups typically 6 or 8 individuals.

Yes, you can have different rasboras live together. They are a shoaling species and will socialize quickly with similar sized fish and other rasboras of their own. They are happiest when they are put into large groups and belong in a community tank.

Some of the best rasbora tank mates, as mentioned above include other rasboras or tertras. Similarly sized fish like certain danios , pentazona bars, fancy guppies, and platies. Some bottom dwellers that make great rasbora tank mates include loaches and Corydoras catfish. It is important to talk with your aquarium shop before buying any new fish and their compatibility.  

How many rasboras should be kept together?

The best number of rasboras to keep together is between 6-8 individuals. You can go larger than this, just make sure that you are comparing compatible fish (we also have a list of compatible tankmates at the end of this article).

Rasboras are typically a shoaling species of fish and need to be kept in medium to large groups of similar fish. Consider a community tank or planted tank if you are thinking about caring for a rasbora fish species.

Rasboras are a peaceful species and tend to do well with other rasboras, but always check compatibly before purchasing.

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