Red Line Rasbora (Rasbora pauciperforata): Ultimate Care Guide

Common Name(s)Redstripe Rasbora, Glowlight Rasbora, Red-line Rasbora
Scientific NameRasbora Pauciperforata
OriginSoutheast Asia
Size 7 cm (Maximum)
Minimum Tank Size15-20 Gallons
Lifespan8 Years
Water pH5.0 – 6.0
Tank MatesParadise Fish, Three Spot Gourami, Platys, Albino Tiger Barbs, Rosy Barbs
BreedingEgg-Scattering Continuous Spawner
Common DiseasesColumnaris, Fin & Tail Rot, Dropsy

The Red Line Rasbora, also known as the Harlequin or Two-Spot Rasbora, is native to Southeast Asia. They have a distinct red stripe that travels from the beginning of the anal fin to the caudal fin, which gives them their name. These tranquil fish are typically 7 cm in length and can be found in dark shades of green, brown, and red depending on conditions and habitat. The personalities of these little fish are endearing; they are peaceful, social, and not too shy! Many experienced aquarium experts suggest including Red Line Rasboras in any community tank for beauty and entertainment.

Red Line Rasbora (Rasbora pauciperforata)
Red Line Rasbora (Rasbora pauciperforata)

Red Line Rasbora Care

If you’re looking for a beautiful, peaceful, easy-care aquatic companion for your home aquarium, then the Red Line Rasbora (Rasbora pauciperforata) may be a perfect fit! These stunning creatures are active little members of the carp family and will add vibrant hues to your tank with their trademark little red line and secret “spot” near their tail fin. Although they require minimal care and maintenance, as with any species of fish there are certain considerations that should be kept in mind when looking after them.


To ensure your Red Line stays healthy and happy, the temperature should be between 74° and 79°F, making it believe it is in its natural environment.

Water pH

Red Line Rasboras prefer soft acidic water, with a pH range of 6 to 7.5. This can be achieved by adding special aquarium peat or using rainwater, which has a much lower pH than tap water due to its natural filtering process. For optimal results, it is recommended to test your water on a regular basis to make sure the pH levels are correctly balanced for the best conditions for your fish.

Growth Rate

These small fish grow on average between two and two and a half inches as adults, so they’re an excellent choice for smaller tanks. As with any fish species, optimal water conditions are essential for long-term health and a balanced diet will help them thrive in their environment. Though they are generally an undemanding species, understanding their preferences is key to providing them with the best care possible.

Food and Diet

These rasboras mostly eat insects, larvae, crustaceans, and other small animals in their natural environment. When purchasing food for them at the pet store, however, look for high-quality flakes and pellets designed specifically for omnivore species like them. Feeding from two to four times per day is suggested in order to provide smaller meals that resemble more of their natural diet; however, take care not to overfeed, as this can cause water contamination. Adding some live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia will also add variety to their menu!


With the right care, these lovely fish can live up to 8 years or more! Proper fish tank maintenance and providing a healthy and balanced diet will help ensure your Red Line Rasbora has a comfortable and long-lasting life.

How Should I Set Up A Tank For Red Line Rasbora?

Generally, a 20-gallon tank is suitable for a small group of 6 to 8 rasboras. It should have enough swimming space and provide hiding spots with plants and rocks. If you wish to keep more than 8 rasboras, then opt for a large tank of minimum size 50 gallons. Plus, the tank should be heavily planted with plenty of hiding places or decorations like driftwood, caves, and so on.

When it comes to decorations and filters, start by selecting an appropriate-sized tank — these fish enjoy being housed in small schools of 5-6 individuals, so keep that in mind as you plan out your tank setup. Keep an eye on the quality of the plants and decorations you use, as these active breeds like plenty of hiding spots where they can rest during the day. Finally, select a filter that can provide strong water flow while maintaining cleanliness within the tank – this is essential to keep them comfortable in their home.

Red Line Rasbora (Rasbora pauciperforata)
Red Line Rasbora (Rasbora pauciperforata)


Fortunately, breeding this unique species is actually quite simple. While most other species require changing water parameters such as pH and temperature to initiate the breeding process, Red Line Rasboras have been known to practically do so on their own, without such adjustments! All you really need to do is provide a spacious tank with dense planting at one end and relatively cool water—the fish will take care of things from there!

Male or Female

The main difference between males and females is the number of fin rays – males will typically have longer fins with more rays, while females tend to have shorter fins that don’t reach down so far. Additionally, males may display brighter colors than the female, whose colors are usually subtle. Lastly, keep an eye out for gravid spots on the female’s belly – if you see any spots surrounded by bands before mating has taken place, then she should start laying eggs soon!

Tank Mates

Some great examples include Bettas, Guppies, Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Chery Shrimps, Amano Shrimps, various types of Gourami Fish such as Paradise fish and Three Spot Gourami, Platys, Barbs, Albino Tiger Barbs or Rosy Barbs, Danios (Zebrafish or Leopard Danios) and African Dwarf Frogs. Incompatible tankmates should be avoided; these include larger more aggressive species that can intimidate or even eat your Red Line Rasbora. The key is to make sure the creatures you add are not too big or too aggressive since they won’t be able to cohabitate with this peaceful schooling fish. As a golden rule, if it eats small fish, it probably shouldn’t be in a tank with this species.

Where Can I Find Red Line Rasbora For Sale?

These exotic fish are becoming increasingly easy to find for sale both in pet stores and through aquarium hobbyists. Online options for purchasing the Red Line Rasbora exist as well, though one should always be sure to purchase from a reputable seller who can provide details on the quality of the product. Whether online or in-person, take time to incorporate research into your purchasing decision and ask questions about how long the fish has been held in captivity, what conditions they were raised in, and so on. Hobbyists should also consider inquiring about local clubs and gatherings which may offer additional resources for finding Red Line Rasboras for sale.

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