Common Name(s) | Chocolate pleco, Rhino pleco, Alligator pleco |
Scientific Name | Pterygoplichthys scrophus |
Origin | South America |
Temperature | 72-82° |
Size | 11 inches |
Minimum Tank Size | 50 gallons |
Food & Diet | Omnivores |
Lifespan | 10 years |
Water pH | 6.0-7.6 |
Tankmates | Livebearers, plecos, rainbowfish, catfish, schooling fish |
Breeding | Egg-laying |
Disease(s) | Ich, Dropsy and Fin Rot, Fish Fungus, Pop-Eye and Hole in the Head |

Table of Contents
Rhino Pleco Facts
The Rhino Pleco, also known as Pterygoplichthys scrophus, is a freshwater catfish native to the riverbanks of Marañón & Ucayali, Peru. Featuring a brownish-black body and head with white bony plates for armor, plecos grow to be up to 28 cm in length, making them one of the bigger plecos out there. This species prefers an aquarium with plenty of caves and large driftwood, as they enjoy hiding among these structures. While docile by nature, this species may become territorial when protecting its young or if threatened but if given the proper care and attention, the Rhino Pleco can be a great addition to any fish tank. Surprisingly, while this species is five decades old, they are yet to be labeled and given an official L-number designation. Instead, they exist as described species of pleco–a fact which makes them slightly harder to come by than some more common plecos with an L-number designation.
Rhino Pleco Care
The Rhino Pleco is an otherwise undemanding freshwater fish, making it a great option for novice aquarists. Though they originate from the fast-flowing waters of the Amazon River, Rhinox Plecos are quite content with just regular water changes, a diet of meaty foods such as worms, krill, and bloodworms, and some loose stones and driftwood scattered around the tank as hiding places and boundaries. As long as their environment is kept clean and balanced in regards to temperature, pH, and hardness levels, it’s easy to see why these suction cup-mouthed creatures thrive in captivity. In general, C. nattereri make good tank mates since they do not bother or harm other fish species in any way – though males may become aggressive during breeding season! To ensure your Rhino Pleco remains healthy, one must remember to provide a robust filtration system to remove solid wastes from their habitat. With their ease of care and active nature, these plecos can be an exciting addition to any freshwater aquarium.
What Is The Best Temperature For Rhino Pleco?
The ideal temperature for a Rhino Pleco ranges from 76-86°F (24 – 30°C). This higher temperature range reflects the tropical climate found in its natural habitats. It also means that an aquarium should be fitted with a heater to keep the water near this temperature range. Keeping your tank’s water at around 78°F (25°C) is recommended if you want to keep your Rhino Pleco healthy and happy. As well as these ideal temperatures, make sure that any health issues such as rapid temperature fluctuations or drastic changes of more than one degree can be avoided as these can cause stress to the fish. By regulating the water temperature, these fish can live a long and enjoyable life in any home aquarium.
What Is The Ideal pH For Rhino Pleco?
It has adapted to prefer an environment with slightly acidic water, a pH of 6.0 to 7.2 is considered ideal, with 6.5 to 7 being the borderline parameters within which they tend to thrive the best. Because of their natural environment, the Rhino Pleco has adapted to be able to handle concentrations of organic waste within their environment that would otherwise kill other species of fish. As a result, having an acidic water setup can help recreate this suitable habitat artificially by providing much-needed oxygen and a favorable temperature. A lot of species in general do well in water that is slightly more alkaline than acid, but for this particular type of plecostomus, it’s vital to ensure its tank has a pH between 6 and 7 for optimal care.
What Is The Average Size & Growth Rate For Rhino Pleco?
The average size for a Rhino Pleco is usually between 4 and 6 inches in length, making them an ideal choice for those looking to stock their aquariums with a larger fish but not one too large or intimidating. This species of pleco fish, native to Central & South America, is found mostly in slow-moving river systems with plenty of wood & vegetation to inhabit. The habitats they prefer offer plenty of shade and protection with plenty of hiding spots so males and smaller juveniles can hide from predators, accommodate their territorial strategies and provide them with safe areas for breeding. In addition, these slower-moving river systems and dense vegetation also contribute to the growth of this size preference as the plecos can feed comfortably on algae buildup off these submerged surfaces instead of competing with larger, faster fish for food.
What Is The Best Diet For Rhino Pleco?
Many people think of Rhinos Plecos as strictly an algae eater, but the truth is that these unique fishes are omnivorous with a diet of both plant material and meaty foods. These fascinating creatures prefer varied diets which should include offerings of fresh vegetables, blanched zucchini and cucumbers, sinking pellets, and other frozen or live foods such as bloodworm, mosquito larvae, and high-quality algae wafers. As scavengers, Rhino Plecos will also feed on anything left uneaten by the other inhabitants of their tank; it’s important to take this into account when determining how much food to offer. To get the most out of your Rhino Pleco’s diet, a combination of all these ingredients is highly recommended!
Rhino Pleco Lifespan
Though not long-lived in comparison to some other species, the Rhino Pleco can still reach up to 10 years of age with proper dietary attention and dedication from its caretaker. While lifespan statistics may provide a guideline of what to expect, the true duration of your Pleco’s life depends on three core considerations: the absence of any illnesses, the quality of their care, and their general condition. Fortunately, by taking good care of yours – through regular water changes, a healthy diet, and plenty of space for them to rest – you can encourage your fish to live a long and happy life. Ultimately, Rhino Plecos may require some additional preparation before bringing one into your home, but with sufficient attention and appropriate tank conditions, you can enjoy watching yours swim around for years to come.
What Are Some Common Diseases In Rhino Pleco?
This tropical species can potentially fall victim to several common diseases including Ich, Dropsy, Fin Rot, Fish Fungus, Pop-Eye, and Hole in the Head. The good news is that these diseases are treatable and with proper care and preventive measures, aquarium enthusiasts can keep their Rhino Pleco healthy and happy. Understanding the symptoms associated with each ailment can significantly improve the chances of early detection which is key when it comes to reversing effects and ensuring a healthy atmosphere in your tank.
Although Rhino Pleco is rather hardy and does not suffer from many environmental issues, it can be susceptible to certain diseases. Ich is arguably the most common, but Dropsy, Fin Rot, Fish Fungus, Pop-Eye, and Hole in the Head are also illnesses of concern. To treat ich Ich, boost aquarium hygiene with regular water changes and check for infected fish. To treat Dropsy and Fish Fungus, increase aeration levels in the tank, as these conditions occur in oxygen-poor waters. When it comes to Fin Rot and Pop-Eye, it’s important to begin treatment immediately; antibiotics should help the condition clear up within a couple of weeks. Preventing Hole in the Head could involve adding a combination of vitamins and trace elements to your pet’s diet, as this infection tends to coincide with nutritional deficiencies. With an understanding of potential health threats and appropriate responses to them, you’ll be sure that your Rhino Pleco enjoy good health for years to come!
What Is The Minimum Tank Size For Rhino Pleco?
It is recommended to keep these curious fish in a 50-gallon or larger aquarium. They are active swimmers who enjoy moving around and exploring their habitat. If space is limited, they should be kept in a minimum of 40 gallons with plenty of live plants and driftwood for hiding spots. The water should be soft and acidic, with plenty of shelters constructed using natural decor such as rocks and cave-like sites. A filter with some water flow should also be included to ensure the Rhino Plecos feel safe and secure while they frolic around their new aquatic home.
What Is An Ideal Tank Setup For Rhino Pleco?
Set up a special home for your rhino pleco with the right tank size, filtration, decorations, and food. At least twenty gallons of water is recommended for an adult rhino pleco, as they do well in a modestly planted aquarium with driftwood decor that offers hiding places for them to retreat. As with any fish species, effective filtration is hugely important to create a balanced environment and keep water quality high. When it comes to food, these plecos are omnivorous so they’ll happily eat whatever you feed them—a good staple diet includes things such as bloodworms and other frozen foods like shrimp pellets and algae wafers.
Rhino Pleco Breeding
How do Rhino Plecos breed? Although this particular pleco is native to some of South America’s biggest waterways, nobody has had any success in breeding them in captivity. This makes sense given that this species is naturally adapted to larger rivers and stream environments as opposed to small tanks with limited space. However, there is still a lot that we don’t know about these remarkable creatures. We can only hope that one day an aquarist will be able to successfully breed them in order to not only learn more about this beautiful fish but also help protect it from becoming endangered or extinct in its natural environment.
Rhino Pleco Male vs Female
While it is true that Rhino Plecos can be difficult to sex, there may be some visual cues that aquarists can use to identify male from female. Most notably, the male will have much more prominent odontodal growth on the caudal fin. Additionally, males may grow faster than females and have a larger, more elongated head structure. Finally, males typically have thicker fins than females and often exhibit territorial behavior. While these traits are not definitive proof of gender, they can offer some clues as to the identity of a particular fish and make sexing a bit easier.
Rhino Pleco Tank Mates
When considering the perfect tank mates for Rhinoceros plecos, it is important to keep in mind their size and temperament. Depending on the size of their tank and the temperaments of all inhabitants, keeping tetras, bettas, oscars, goldfish, snails, angelfish, shrimp, cichlids, corydoras, guppies, otocinclus, and African dwarf frogs together with Rhino Pleco may be successful. However, some species such as kuhli loaches should be kept away from Rhinos since they are too timid to handle the pleco’s presence. While Rhinoceros plecos are generally peaceful creatures that can live harmoniously among many different kinds of fish species in a single tank setting, they can exhibit territorial behavior towards similar-sized bottom-dwellers when not enough swim space is provided. As long as their environment is safe with adequate food sources and plenty of hiding places these plecos typically remain passive.
Where Can I Find Rhino Pleco For Sale?
If you’re looking to purchase a rhino pleco, you have a few options. You can find them online at specialty fish stores, as well as popular retailers like Amazon and Walmart. You may even be able to source one from your local pet or aquarium store. In terms of pricing, prices typically range from $20-$50 based on the size and type of rhino pleco you buy. Before you make your purchase though, it’s essential to understand their specific needs and requirements. Rhino plecos are sensitive creatures, so their water parameters and dietary habits must be taken into account before bringing them home for the first time.