Rubber Lip Pleco (L146): Care, Size, Temperature & Food

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Common Name(s)Rubber Lip pleco, Rubber Lipped pleco, Rubbernose Pleco
Scientific NameChaetostoma milesi (L146)
OriginSouth America
Temperature72-78°F (22-26°C)
Size5-7 inches (13-18 cm)
Minimum Tank Size25 gallons (95 liters)
Food & DietOmnivores with a heavily herbivorous diet.
Lifespan10-12 years
Water pH6.5-8
Tank MatesNeon tetras, Honey gourami, Sparkling gourami, and Ember tetra
BreedingCave spawner
DiseaseIt may be susceptible to Ich.
rubber lip pleco
Rubber Lip Pleco (Chaetostoma milesi). Frank Alvarez, CC BY 3.0

The Rubber Lip Pleco (Chaetostoma milesi) is a type of Pleco that is native to South America. It is part of the largest family of armored suckermouth catfish, the Chaetostoma genus.

Rubber Lip Plecos have a large sucker mouth, eyes near the top of their head, and a tapering body. They typically have a grey body, but they can also have tan coloration. They have spots on their face, which can resemble freckles. These spots can also extend down their body. On the lower half of their body, they can also have a striped pattern. Rubber Lip Plecos are one of the smaller species of Plecos since they only reach 5-7 inches (13-18 cm) in size. In comparison, other species of Plecos are known to grow much larger.

These fish originate in the northern region of South America. More specifically, they are native to the Magdalena basins of Columbia and the Apure River in Venezuela. They can also be found in the rivers and tributaries that flow into these water bodies. These areas often experience a very intense rainy season in which water levels and temperatures rise profoundly. Therefore, Rubber Lip Plecos are able to withstand some variation in their water conditions. These waters often consist of heavy vegetation, which is what they feed on.

Rubber Lip Pleco Care

Rubber Lip Plecos are adaptable fish that are relatively easy to take care of.

Since they are peaceful fish, placing them in a community tank should be no issue. They spend most of their time near the bottom of the tank. In fact, they may be hiding in a cave or beneath driftwood during the day. As a nocturnal fish, they will most likely be actively scavenging for food during the night. When they are active, they are quite curious fish. They can be found sucking on the surface of the tank and keeping the entire tank looking clean.

A proper tank setup and regular maintenance are required, but this fish can be kept by a beginner as well.

Rubber Lip Pleco Tank Size

While the Rubber Lip pleco is a small fish, a tank that is at least 25 gallons (95 liters) is necessary. Some may claim that the fish can survive in smaller tanks, but we recommend that the tank be large enough to be comfortable and thrive. If you consider keeping them with other fish, particularly other plecos, a tank of at least 55 gallons (208 liters) is needed. If you have the space and the means, always try and provide your pleco with the largest tank possible.

Rubber Lip Plecos

Rubber Lip Pleco Tank Setup

A tank with many plants, driftwood, and other hiding places best suits the Rubber Lip pleco. Any freshwater plants are suitable for these fish, with floating plants as great options. Don’t be alarmed if you see your pleco suckered onto your plant’s leaves; they’re likely just snacking on any algae on the vegetation. Furthermore, a soft substrate that mimics the riverbed (i.e., smooth rocks) is necessary, as the Rubber Lip pleco will spend most of its time at the bottom of your tank.

One very important element of a Rubber Lip pleco tank is driftwood. It offers your new fish friend a good place to hide and explore and is often found in their native habitat. Definitely consider adding driftwood to your tank if you plan on keeping these little guys- they’ll thank you for it!

Rubber Lip Pleco Water Parameters

The Rubber Lip pleco favors freshwater that matches the parameters they are used to in their home in South America. While they are hardy fish, be sure to perform regular water checks so that the water is closest to these needs.

Temperature: The Rubber Lip pleco prefers warm water between 72-78°F (22-26°C) but can tolerate cooler water due to the high seasons they are used to in the wild.

Water with a pH between 6.5 and 8 best suits your Rubber Lip pleco.

Hardness: Water with a hardness of 8-12kDH is favored by the Rubber Lip pleco.

Rubber Lip Pleco Food & Diet

While the Rubber Lip pleco is an omnivore, they favor a more herbivorous diet; in the wild, they eat almost exclusively algae. However, the algae in your tank do not have the same nutritional profile as that in their natural habitat; therefore, the Rubber Lip pleco cannot survive on that alone. Aquarists have sometimes tried to foster an environment where more sustaining algae can grow. Unfortunately, this is very challenging and may not be in quantities high enough to feed your new pleco, even if successful. Luckily these guys are more than happy to munch on veggies and other greens.

Here are some foods that you can feed Rubber Lip plecos:

  • Fresh zucchini
  • Spirulina
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Algae wafers/sheets

You can offer your Rubber Lip pleco some meat options like freeze-dried bloodworms or brine shrimp, but sticking to plants may be your best bet. One important thing to note is that these guys can develop a rather refined taste. Think of a child that only eats caviar- McDonald’s fries don’t exactly measure up afterward. If you introduce a varied veggie diet to your new pleco early on, they may lose their taste for algae and not perform as the tank maid. These fish can be fed twice a day; be sure to only provide them with food that can be eaten within a few minutes.

Rubber Lip Pleco (L146). Ictiologia Universidad Católica de Oriente, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Rubber Lip Pleco Lifespan & Disease

With proper care, the Rubber Lip pleco can live to be between 10-12 years in captivity. They are hardy fish, affected only by common fish diseases such as Ich. Ich is a parasitic infection that is highly transmittable but easily treated. It manifests itself as white spots on the fish’s body; if you notice your fish suffering be sure to quarantine it in a separate tank and medicate with an over-the-counter prescription.

The best way to ensure that your Rubber Lip pleco lives a happy, healthy life is to consistently check the water and be attentive to their needs- a happy fish will make your fish-keeping experience the best it can be.

Tank Mates

The Rubber Lip pleco is super easygoing and therefore is a good match for a variety of different tank mates. In most cases, they will be happiest with fish that share their peaceful temperament.

Here are some potential tank mates for Rubber Lip plecos:

  • Neon tetras
  • Honey gourami
  • Sparkling gourami
  • Cory catfish
  • Ember tetra
  • Goldfish
  • Shrimp (Do note that there is the potential for some juvenile fish to be mistaken for food)

While pleasant fish, the Rubber Lip pleco does have the potential to become territorial with other plecos. If you are considering adding fish like the Bristlenose pleco, be sure that the tank is large enough to allow the Rubber Lip pleco enough room to call its own. Otherwise, the Bristlenose, who also has an armored body, will likely not bother with the Rubber Lip pleco, making them okay tank mates should there be space. More aggressive varieties of fish are not great matches for the Rubber Lip plecos: cichlids and betta fish can threaten your new catfish. It is important to know the temperament of your specific fish and assess whether they could be good neighbors.


There have been virtually no reports of successful Rubber Lip pleco breeding in home aquariums; it has proven to be very difficult. This is often a result of a lack of space for them to breed and can be a fruitless effort. As such, we recommend not purchasing these guys for the purpose of breeding- it could be a waste of time and money. 

Rubber Lip Pleco Price

Found in most pet stores or fish suppliers, the Rubber Lip pleco is a relatively cheap addition to your tank. They can start at around $12 USD. Be sure to research where you purchase your pleco and what to expect regarding the financial commitment.

Overall, the Rubber Lip pleco is an excellent choice for the beginner hobbyist looking for a cute, peaceful, and clean fish machine. Enjoy your new fish friend (and cleaning expert).

Rubber Lip Pleco, Bristlenose Pleco, and Common Pleco

The Rubber Lip pleco is quite similar to the Bristlenose and common pleco in appearance and behavior. The Bristlenose pleco is a close relative of the Rubber Lip pleco, sharing care needs and features. Both are quite peaceful and rather little- the Bristlenose, however, is usually a bit smaller, ranging between 3-5 inches. They’re also both avid algae eaters, are suitable for similar tank mates, and are relatively low-maintenance fish for the beginner hobbyist. The Bristlenose, however, is usually more colorful and is hardier to varying water conditions and potential threats, making them better suited to being paired with more feisty characters.

On the other hand, the common pleco looks quite similar to the Rubber Lip pleco with many of the same “catfish” characteristics: bottom dwellers, originating from South America, with a knack for adapting to different niches. However, the common pleco is much larger than the Rubber Lip pleco, reaching sizes of 15 inches; in some cases, they can grow even bigger! These guys are also much more omnivorous than their smaller counterparts, so their diet will need to be more diverse. What’s most important when choosing what pleco is right for you is to do your research. Ensure you have investigated what each species needs and that you can adequately provide that for them.

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