Weeping Moss Care: How to Grow, Attach to Driftwood & More

Common NameWeeping Moss
Scientific NameVesicularia Ferriei
OriginNative to China, found throughout Asia and Europe
Growth & SizeUp to 1 inch
Temperature60 to 85 degrees F
pH5.0 – 6.0
Weeping Moss (Vesicularia Ferriei)
Weeping Moss by Carnat Joel (CC BY 2.0).

Weeping Moss Facts

  • Weeping Moss is an extremely hardy plant that will grow in various water parameters and lighting conditions.
  • Weeping Moss has no roots to anchor into the substrate, so it must be secured to an object with strings or glue.
  • Weeping Moss was first introduced into the aquarium hobby in 2004. To this day, they are often misidentified, so it is worth ensuring that the plants are labeled correctly.

What is Weeping Moss?

Weeping Moss (Vesicularia Ferriei) is an aquarium moss that is characterized by its downward-sloping growth. Due to this unique style of growth, this plant has been used in many famous aquascapes. The deep green color and fine texture also add to the plant’s attractiveness. The plant will grow up to an inch in height.

The plant does not root into the substrate, so it must be attached to an object such as driftwood or rock. While they do not have roots, they have rhizoids. The rhizoids will allow the plant to naturally secure itself to an object. These rhizoids do not absorb nutrients for the plant. Therefore, these plants are water column feeders. In its natural habitat, it grows on wet rocks, riverbanks, and damp soil near streams.

Weeping Moss is native to China, but it is now available worldwide due to its popularity in the aquarium hobby. Many vendors offer them online as well. However, remember that this plant is often misidentified with other types of aquarium moss. Therefore, it is important to purchase the plant from a reputable source.

Weeping Moss Care

Weeping moss is easy to grow since they are hardy and adaptable. In fact, these freshwater moss can grow in a wide range of environments and water parameters. They can be grown by both beginners and experienced aquarists.

Regarding the water parameter, the plant will thrive in temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees F and a pH of 5.0 to 6.0.

Regarding the light requirement, they are quite adaptable and do not require specialty aquarium lights. They will grow faster with moderate light levels, but they can also survive in low-light environments.

The plant may need to be trimmed occasionally in order to maintain its desired size. If the plant grows well, it will develop downward-sloping growth. If these plant is not growing enough to slope downward, there may not be enough nutrients in the water. Additional fertilizer can be added, but it can also result in algae growth as well, so the aquarium should be monitored regularly. Remember that the plant may grow slowly simply because it was recently added to your aquarium. The plant may need time to acclimate to the new environment.

Once your Weeping Moss is settled in, it will grow outwards and spread. Trimming the ends of the shoots will encourage new growth as well.

By trimming and dividing the plant, it is possible to propagate and grow it very easily.

How to Attach Weeping Moss to Driftwood?

Weeping Moss has no roots, so you cannot anchor it into the substrate. Instead, you can plant Weeping Moss in a few simple ways in your aquarium. The first way you could attach your Weeping Moss to driftwood or a rock in your aquarium is to tie some string around the moss and the object you want it to attach to.

You won’t need to worry about tying it down with multiple strings or securing it with multiple knots. A simple one around the Weeping Moss and the object will do. Keep in mind not to tie the knot too tight, and tie it so that it is smugly against the object to that you want it to attach itself.

Another method of securing the Weeping Moss in your aquarium is super glue. The downside is that you will have to remove and blot dry your driftwood or stone for it to adhere properly. The wood can be slightly wet but not dripping with water for this to work. The super glue will discolor driftwood in the spot where it is applied, but the Weeping Moss will quickly grow to cover the area.

If you want to place your Weeping Moss in a certain spot but don’t want to bother tying it down or gluing, you can simply weigh the moss down with rocks. Place the Weeping Moss where you want it in your aquarium, then place a few small rocks on top of the moss to hold it. If you have fish or snails in your tank, they may knock them out of place. You will want to check on the most often and may even have to replace the rocks to get it to stay where you want it.

You can attempt to place Weeping Moss into driftwood in your aquarium by breaking up the Weeping Moss cluster and placing it into the holes and crevices of your driftwood piece. Weeping Moss will eventually attach and grow this way, but again, if you have fish or other aquatic creatures in your aquarium, they could dislodge the Weeping Moss, and you would have to place it back.

Does Weeping Moss Need Aquarium CO2?

Having no roots, Weeping Moss depends on light and water parameters to grow. It can grow and thrive in a wide range of water parameters. Weeping Moss does not need co2 to grow efficiently in an aquarium, but it will help the plant grow at a faster pace and develop a more drooping to the offshoots.

If your Weeping Moss is not growing to your desired specifications, you can supplement your Weeping Moss by giving it fertilizers. 

Vesicularia ferriei “Weeping” – Weeping Moss

Why is My Weeping Moss Turning Brown?

Although Weeping Moss is a hardy plant, if the water parameters are off or the water condition is too harsh, you will see your Weeping Moss begin to turn brown. It will start to brown at the tips of the plant and work its way down.

The good news is that if you catch it early enough, the Weeping Moss plant can be revived. If you notice that your Weeping Moss is turning brown, you will want to check the water parameters, clean your moss tank, trim the dead ends off of the plant, and monitor it further.

A problem that Weeping Moss faces is algae growth on the plant itself. If there is too much light and the tank is not cleaned properly, algae can grow on the Weeping Moss and block it from receiving proper light and nutrition. This is harmful to the plant and will make Weeping Moss turn brown. 

Weeping Moss VS Java Moss

Weeping Moss and Java Moss are easy aquatic moss plants to care for as they readily adapt to a wide range of water parameters. Java Moss is also similar to Weeping Moss in that it will quickly grow and adhere to the objects in your aquarium that you anchor it to. Both Java Moss and Weeping Moss are vibrant green colors. Java moss is a lighter shade, while Weeping Moss is much darker.

Like Weeping Moss, Java Moss anchors itself in this using its rhizoids, and also, like Weeping Moss, Java moss will require trimming as it grows to keep its desired shape and size. Both plants make for an excellent addition to a breeding tank, providing a welcome space for egg-scattering fish, places for fish to hide, and a nice look to your aquarium.

Weeping Moss grows its offshoots downward, much like a Weeping Willow Tree grows its branches. Java Moss grows its offshoots upward in a longer, thinner string. Java Moss grows somewhat faster. You can find Java Moss in most aquarium stores, but to find Weeping Moss, you will likely have to purchase it through an online distributor. 

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