Mono Sebae (Monodactylus Sebae) Care, Size, Tank Mates, and More

Scientific NameMonodactylus Sebae
Common NameMono Sebae  /  African Mooney
OriginEastern Atlantic Coastal Regions  
Temperature75F to 82F
Water Parameters7.2 to 8.5 pH
Adult Sizeup to 8 inches in length, 12 inches in height
Mono Sebae (Monodactylus Sebae)
Mono Sebae (Monodactylus Sebae)

Mono Sebae is an Eastern Atlantic Coastal fish that can be found in brackish waters from Angola to the Canary Islands. It can be found in swamps, estuaries, and even lagoons.

Mono Sebae has an almost diamond shape to its body, and it also has a flat appearance to it. It sports 3 distinctive black lines that run vertically along its body. The body of the Mono Sebae has a yellowish tinge to it. It also has short fins.

Are Mono Sebae Aggressive?

Mono Sebae are not an inherently aggressive fish, but if they are not kept in the correct conditions they can become aggressive. Mono Sebae are schooling fish that require a small grouping of at least 5 or more. If they are not kept in a large enough grouping, these fish may become slightly intolerant of other species of fish. They will bully and nip the fins of other fish if they are unhappy in their environment.

Mono Sebae Care

Mono Sebae are considered hardy fish that will live and thrive in the home aquarium without much effort as long as their needs are being met. It is important for the health and happiness of this fish that they remain in clean water conditions. As long as you are performing regular water changes and monitoring your water parameters frequently, your fish should do just fine.


Mono Sebae require their temperature to remain in the 75F to 82F range. It is this wider range that makes them a hardy fish and easy to care for in the home aquarium.

Water pH

Mono Sebae require their water to remain in the range of 7.2 to 8.5 pH. They are slightly forgiving if their water parameters are off, but it is important for their health that their water parameters are frequently monitored.

Mono Sebae Size

When it comes to size, the Mono Sebae is an interesting fish to measure. Most of the time when you describe the size of a fish you are talking about the length of the fish from tip of the nose to tail. From nose to tail, the Mono Sebae grows to be about 8 inches in length. However, the Mono Sebae is an interesting fish because it is also measured by its height. It is not uncommon for Mono Sebae to reach up to 12 inches tall at full maturity.

Mono Sebae (Monodactylus Sebae)
Mono Sebae (Monodactylus Sebae)

Mono Sebae Food and Diet

Mono Sebae is described as a carnivorous fish that should be fed live and frozen foods in the home aquarium. You can give your Mono Sebae pelleted foods and dried foods, but they should be used sparingly like a treat and not given as their only food source.

Mono Sebae Lifespan

When cared for properly, the Mono Sebae can live anywhere from 7 to 10 years with owners of this fish reporting that they live slightly longer. The health and longevity of this fish, like many other species, is directly dependent on how well it is kept and fed.

Tank Size

Due to their large size and grouping requirement, Mono Sebae should be kept in an aquarium that is a minimal size of 125 gallons. They do best when they are kept in a small grouping of at least 5 fish, and to do this you will need a much larger aquarium that is roughly 250 gallons.

Tank Setup

When setting up a tank for Mono Sebae, for the best results, you will want to take a close look at their natural habitat in the wild and build their setup to mimic that as closely as possible. Soft substrates, a planted aquarium, and lots of places to hide should give your fish a feeling of home. It is important to remember that Mono Sebaes are fish that live in brackish waters.

Mono Sebae Breeding

There is not a lot known about the breeding habits of Mono Sebae. What is known is that they are an egg laying species that requires water to lay their eggs.

How to Tell the Difference Between Male or Female Mono Sebae

Unfortunately, It is not easy to distinguish Mono Sebae males from females. It is said that it becomes slightly easier to tell once they reach full maturity as the males tend to be slightly larger and the females more round due to eggs. If you are looking to purchase a breeding pair, your best bet would be to purchase a small grouping of juveniles and let them mature together.


Mono Sebae are susceptible to many of the same diseases as other brackish water dwelling fish. These diseases can be parasitic, fungal, or bacterial. Most, if caught early on, can be treated, but left untreated these ailments can become fatal to your fish. It is important to closely monitor your water parameters, maintain a clean environment for your fish, and provide them with a high quality diet. Their care is directly related to their longevity.

Tank Mates

Examples of Compatible and Incompatible Tank Mates for Mono Sebae

The best tank mates for Mono Sebae are other Mono Sebae. They prefer to live in a grouping of 5 or more. If you are wanting to place them with other species of fish you will want to take into account that they will not do well unless they are kept in a grouping of their own species first.

Other ideal tank mates would be other brackish species such as some Gobies. Incompatible tank mates would be other fish that the Mono Sebae could potentially see as a meal, or fish that will harass and bother your Mono Sebae such as some large species of Cichlids.

Where Can I Find Mono Sebae for Sale?

Mono Sebae can be found for sale at certain specialty aquarium stores, and for sale from breeders online. You can expect to pay around $17 per fish.

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