Yellow Angelfish: Care, Tank Size, Breeding & Disease

The Yellow Angelfish is a bright lemony yellow color that covers its whole body with no other markings. Yellow Angelfish are all born female. If you are looking to get a breeding pair, it is better to buy them both in their juvenile stage, with one fish larger than the other, and wait for them to mature. The larger and more dominant fish will undergo a hormonal change to male. Once the fish has grown into a male, some will develop a black mark on their faces, but other than that, they develop no other markings than their eye catching bright yellow.

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Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris): Ultimate Care Guide

Ocellaris Clownfish are very easy to care for; they likely wouldn’t be nearly as popular as they are if they weren’t so easy to care for. These gorgeous fish don’t grow very large, making them a perfect choice for an at-home tank. They also don’t have very intense water requirements, pH levels, or Temperature requirements. Ocellaris Clownfish are omnivores which makes feeding them more manageable. These little orange fish also have a great temperament, making them a superb choice for a saltwater community tank. Just because Ocellaris Clownfish are notoriously easy to care for doesn’t mean that they should be neglected or not given the care they need. Be sure to check the water parameters and quality routinely. You should also perform regular water changes.

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Clown Triggerfish

The Triggerfish are the silent hunters of the aquarium world. Their sleek, oval shape with large head and protruding teeth make these guys a favorite fish to own. These Triggers can be difficult to keep for the beginner but worth the effort for as established tank.

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Badis Badis Care: The Dwarf Chameleon Fish

Badis Badis is a small predatory fish that feeds on a variety of tiny invertebrates such as worms and insect larvae. The coloration of these fish can intend entirely on the mood of the fish – when comfortable, it can be extremely rich and vibrantly colored. They hold a lot of value for some people as not only are they strong aquatic pets to have, but they make brilliant breeding partners due to their immense colorization abilities.

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Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus Ciliaris): Ultimate Care Guide

The Queen Angelfish has a very boxy looking body with their dorsal and anal fins trailing behind them. They are a magnificent sight in the water with their beautiful coloration. Queen Angelfish are bright blue and yellow. You can identify them by a bright blue disc on their forehead with little blue spots around it. It gives the Queen Angelfish the appearance that it is wearing a crown on its head, and this is the reason it got its name. Their bodies are mostly their vibrant yellow with tints of blue all over. They also have a completely yellow tail. Juvenile Queen Angelfish much like other species of Angelfish are a completely different color than they are when they mature.

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Maroon Clownfish (Premnas Biaculeatus): Ultimate Care Guide

A more popular choice in the aquarium is the Maroon clownfish, also known as Premnas biaculeatus. This is because of they are easy to care for and have a very unique look to them. Cute and easy to manage, the maroon clownfish stands out in any tank due to its colors and spots. These maroon clownfish have a lot of variations to them and make wonderful additions to anyone’s aquarium.

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Sailfin Pleco (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps): Ultimate Care Guide

Sailfin Pleco may seem appealing for many aquarists, regardless of skill level. Their unique pattern makes them a popular choice. When considering the addition of a fish to a tank, or a first-time purchase of a fish and a tank, one must always consider the ease of raising their preferred species. The size of a fully-grown Sailfin Pleco is the biggest hurdle one must cross when owning one.

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